My biggest problem is the whole idea of bridging the cap with SP and MP, anybody else feel like thats a crock? When i playing solo or with a few buddies i don't mind playing with bots. but when im in mp why would u add bots to that, i played 2 mp games and had nothing but bots on the team. I like the idea of adding them till a human replaces them but a lobby idea would of worked great, then people who drop out during the game get replaced by the AI, so every game starts off with 16 human players.Also you can't tell who your playing against, so you could be playing against 8 humans or 8 AI and you don't know. Also basically the whole game is one big campaign, they just took the sp story and just moved it down a few places and made it mp to. I play mp mode to get away from the sp mode on games, why would you make them the same maps and even have the same cut scenes? Seems like SD got a little lazy and didn't want to develop new maps and really a mp in general. Sry to rant on about the game, but like ive said i enjoy playing it and will be for awhile, but i just feel they took away and spent no time on the sp and mp.