I've received enough day one releases to know when I should reserve my opinion. And so instead of providing a critique, I thought it to be wise to just let those who haven't received their copies, or are on the fence for buying one a little some insight as to what is prominently available to you once you receive your copy of BRINK.
Customization is absolutely limited when you first start out, which I believe to be brilliant. I, for one, want to put in a little work before I can change my "Dude" or "Officer's" underwear. A lot of that can be done through the challenges. There is a tab that says "Challenges", people please; challenge yourselves.
Within the challenges you have to play the role of each and every operative, which again I find to be very rewarding. I did have a mindset to be an "Operative" and play the cloak and dagger dude in the game, but now I'm not so sure. This will give you a great opportunity to investigate further into the various different roles available while you are richly rewarded with experience points and unlocks.
You start out as a "Medium" sized individual in the game and as you progress through getting experience points, you'll be able to unlock a "Heavy" or "Light" individual. This will provide you the chance to see which of the three you prefer but not without first getting to know each one of the three options first.
I'd like to note, unfortunately, a few things that has a lot of people attention here on the forum. Yes, the "bot's" that accompany you through the challenges seem to do things without guidance and/or foresight but, and this is an important remark, you have the option to set up the challenges with three other gamers. Most of us do have at least three friends on our list that will have an interest in an FPS. Team up. (Noted that I know we are have lag issues, again it's day one; barely)
Also, in truth, the graphics are not what I expected them to be at all. I am hoping that it's all going to be resolved within the patch that is supposedly coming into existence sometime this weekend. But that isn't to say BRINK looks horrible; not by a long shot. The game looks good, I was expecting exceptional; I can get over that with terrific gameplay.
In closing ladies and gentlemen, I believe that we are witnessing an attempt to brake the norm. As it has been said before by various outlets, this game is tactical in nature, a game set for us all to work together. Would I like to see a team death match where we all work together to destroy a common enemy? We have that, it's just received differently this time around.
I am defending a position try to break through; I dare you, or I'm going to get through you, defend if you want to but by hook or by crook I'm getting passed you.
Hope to see you all out there in the network soon!