Adrenaline Fueled Combat v2.0
By Talkie Toaster
Copy everything into your Oblivion\Data folder, tick Adrenaline Fueled Combat v2 Core in the launcher, then pick and choose the rest.
AFC is a multi-part mod, using scripts from AFC v2 Core.esm to revamp the combat system in a variety of ways. The Combat Moves module is the main focus of the mod, but several other modules with various effects are provided. You can pick one, all, or any combination- as long as the Core mod is enabled. They all work totally independently.
1. Adrenaline-Fueled Combat
Inspired by Morrowind Combat Enhanced, Adrenaline-Fueled Combat aims to make combat more varied by providing more options. You can learn special powers that can throw enemies around, dodge around foes, or otherwise increase your range of tactical opportunities. Each weapon type (blade, blunt, marksman, hand-to-hand, shield, one-handed and two-handed) has a range of powers and a theme associated with it (e.g. bonus damage for blade, staggering and suchlike for shield powers) and many non-combat skills like Sneak and Mercantile have moves too.
To Learn Powers:
For weapon type powers, visit your local fighters' guild for a guide to which branch of the fighters' guild offers training in them. For non-combat skills like Armourer and Acrobatics, any Journeyman trainer in the skill will be able to offer their powers too. Powers are split into two types- offensive Moves, and defensive Reactions.
To Use Moves:
After you learn a Move, a book detailing it's effects will be added to your inventory. Simply equip that book and you'll be asked to assign it to one of your powerattacks (the number of moves you can assign at any one time is limited by your skill- Novices can only use the Left and Right powerattacks). Then when you perform that powerattack, it will perform the move assigned to it.
To Use Reactions:
After you learn a Move, a book detailing it's effects will be added to your inventory. When you equip that book you'll be asked if you want to use that Reaction as your current Reaction. Then, if you successfully block a hit you have a short window in which to tap your attack key- if you hit it in time, your reaction triggers.
As each weapon type (one-handed blade, two-handed blade, one-handed blunt, etc.) has a different range of powers available to it, each weapon type has a separate list. By switching weapons during a fight, you can make use of a far wider range of powers- for example, opening combat with a two-handed axe, using it's Moves to destroy your opponent's armour, then switch to unarmed to disarm them, and use the Sneak move Mug to pickpocket the unequipped armour from their inventory.
2. Locational Damage
Attacking specific body parts causes effects dependent on them- stab your foes to damage their attributes; their intelligence if you hit their head, strength and agility for their arms, speed and agility for feet, and so on. Blunt weapons and unarmed attacks damage skills instead, hurting blocking and hand-to-hand for attacks on the left arm but blunt, hand-to- hand and blade for attacks on the right, and so on. Arrows tend to do a mix- dealing more damage to single stats, a 50% bonus damage on headshots, and so on.
3. Combo Chains
Combo chains rewards a relentless, fast-paced assault over a repetitive back and forth, and gives capable combatants a bonus for their skill. Each blow you land and each attack you block successfully increments your combat skills, increasing your damage. Your bonus slowly ticks down over time, and is zeroed if you take a hit. You can also zero your bonus by performing a powerattack, at which point the skill bonus you've accrued is converted into bonus damage.
4. Damage Text
Damage Text adds a notification of how much damage your weapon attacks deal to the top- right corner of the screen. Simple as.
5. Quick Powerattacks
Quick Powerattacks allows you to assign a single key to perform powerattacks. Select the mod, wait for the popup to appear, and press the right key. It's mostly designed to be used in conjunction with Combat Moves, as that relies heavily on powerattacks.
6. Gauntlet Weapons
Oblivion doesn't have any gloves that increase hand-to-hand damage through scripts or enchantments. With AFC v2, it's easy to create ones that do- Gauntlet Weapons adds an example five (most with novel enchantments on them) to A Fighting Chance in the Imperial City Market District. This mod doesn't so much change combat as display alternative uses for the AFC v2 script system.
Created by Talkie Toaster. You may not copy, edit, or redistribute without permission.
Thanks to the friendly folk on #TesModdersDen and the Construction Set Forums for the help- and putting up with my pointless debugging requests.
I'm TheTalkieToaster on the official forums- please PM me there, or search for the Adrenaline-Fueled Combat thread and give me your questions, comments and suggestions. And bug reports, of course .
V2.00- Rewrite from the ground up! Almost!
Is quite easy. The aaaCore quest contains several leveled lists of activators. Any activator added to a list is activated (so the OnActivate block runs) when the list's event is triggered.
? aaaCore.ListHIT is used when the player hits with an attack.
? aaaCore.ListBLOCK is used when the player attacks and is blocked.
? aaaCore.ListARROW is used when the player fires an arrow.
The script also contains several variables related to the player's attack.
? aaaCore.Target contains the NPC the player has just hit.
? aaaCore.HitARC contains the angle the player attacked from- 0 being the front, 1 being the back, 2 being the left and 3 being the right.
? aaaCore.HitLOCATION contains the inventory slot the player has hit (e.g. 0 for the head, 2 for the torso). For hands, legs and feet a hit to the left limb is negative (e.g. a hit to the right hand is 4, the left hand is -4).
? aaaCore.Arrow contains the reference of the last arrow the player shot.
? aaaCore.ArrowBASE contains the base form of the last arrow the player shot.
? aaaCore.ArrowX/Y/Z contains the current X/Y/Z position of aaaCore.Arrow.
Two other useful functions are provided.
? DamageCalculator is an activator reference that outputs any non-creature's damage when activated (e.g. DamageCalculator.activate Player 1), optionally including the armour and resistances of a specified target. It includes powerattack bonuses.
? DamageApplicator is an activator reference that applies any non-creature's damage (optionally including weapon enchantments) against another actor when activated.
Both share a set of variables used to configure them.
? “Attacker” is the source of the damage and used to calculate the values. It defaults to Player.
? “Target” is the target of the damage. It is optional for the Calculator, and defaults to 0 for the Calculator.
? “Slot” can optionally be used to calculate armour based on one of the target's specific armour pieces. It takes an equipment slot like that output by HitLOCATION. It defaults to the game's normal behaviour of using the target's total armour value.
? “Multiplier” can be used to change the damage by a multiplier. It defaults to 1.
? “Cast” is a Applicator only value. If set to 1, it will cast the enchantment of the attacker's weapon (if any) on the target. If set to 0, it won't. It defaults to 1.
Both output the value “Damage”, which is the total calculated damage.
By Talkie Toaster
Copy everything into your Oblivion\Data folder, tick Adrenaline Fueled Combat v2 Core in the launcher, then pick and choose the rest.
AFC is a multi-part mod, using scripts from AFC v2 Core.esm to revamp the combat system in a variety of ways. The Combat Moves module is the main focus of the mod, but several other modules with various effects are provided. You can pick one, all, or any combination- as long as the Core mod is enabled. They all work totally independently.
1. Adrenaline-Fueled Combat
Inspired by Morrowind Combat Enhanced, Adrenaline-Fueled Combat aims to make combat more varied by providing more options. You can learn special powers that can throw enemies around, dodge around foes, or otherwise increase your range of tactical opportunities. Each weapon type (blade, blunt, marksman, hand-to-hand, shield, one-handed and two-handed) has a range of powers and a theme associated with it (e.g. bonus damage for blade, staggering and suchlike for shield powers) and many non-combat skills like Sneak and Mercantile have moves too.
To Learn Powers:
For weapon type powers, visit your local fighters' guild for a guide to which branch of the fighters' guild offers training in them. For non-combat skills like Armourer and Acrobatics, any Journeyman trainer in the skill will be able to offer their powers too. Powers are split into two types- offensive Moves, and defensive Reactions.
To Use Moves:
After you learn a Move, a book detailing it's effects will be added to your inventory. Simply equip that book and you'll be asked to assign it to one of your powerattacks (the number of moves you can assign at any one time is limited by your skill- Novices can only use the Left and Right powerattacks). Then when you perform that powerattack, it will perform the move assigned to it.
To Use Reactions:
After you learn a Move, a book detailing it's effects will be added to your inventory. When you equip that book you'll be asked if you want to use that Reaction as your current Reaction. Then, if you successfully block a hit you have a short window in which to tap your attack key- if you hit it in time, your reaction triggers.
As each weapon type (one-handed blade, two-handed blade, one-handed blunt, etc.) has a different range of powers available to it, each weapon type has a separate list. By switching weapons during a fight, you can make use of a far wider range of powers- for example, opening combat with a two-handed axe, using it's Moves to destroy your opponent's armour, then switch to unarmed to disarm them, and use the Sneak move Mug to pickpocket the unequipped armour from their inventory.
2. Locational Damage
Attacking specific body parts causes effects dependent on them- stab your foes to damage their attributes; their intelligence if you hit their head, strength and agility for their arms, speed and agility for feet, and so on. Blunt weapons and unarmed attacks damage skills instead, hurting blocking and hand-to-hand for attacks on the left arm but blunt, hand-to- hand and blade for attacks on the right, and so on. Arrows tend to do a mix- dealing more damage to single stats, a 50% bonus damage on headshots, and so on.
3. Combo Chains
Combo chains rewards a relentless, fast-paced assault over a repetitive back and forth, and gives capable combatants a bonus for their skill. Each blow you land and each attack you block successfully increments your combat skills, increasing your damage. Your bonus slowly ticks down over time, and is zeroed if you take a hit. You can also zero your bonus by performing a powerattack, at which point the skill bonus you've accrued is converted into bonus damage.
4. Damage Text
Damage Text adds a notification of how much damage your weapon attacks deal to the top- right corner of the screen. Simple as.
5. Quick Powerattacks
Quick Powerattacks allows you to assign a single key to perform powerattacks. Select the mod, wait for the popup to appear, and press the right key. It's mostly designed to be used in conjunction with Combat Moves, as that relies heavily on powerattacks.
6. Gauntlet Weapons
Oblivion doesn't have any gloves that increase hand-to-hand damage through scripts or enchantments. With AFC v2, it's easy to create ones that do- Gauntlet Weapons adds an example five (most with novel enchantments on them) to A Fighting Chance in the Imperial City Market District. This mod doesn't so much change combat as display alternative uses for the AFC v2 script system.
Created by Talkie Toaster. You may not copy, edit, or redistribute without permission.
Thanks to the friendly folk on #TesModdersDen and the Construction Set Forums for the help- and putting up with my pointless debugging requests.
I'm TheTalkieToaster on the official forums- please PM me there, or search for the Adrenaline-Fueled Combat thread and give me your questions, comments and suggestions. And bug reports, of course .
V2.00- Rewrite from the ground up! Almost!
Is quite easy. The aaaCore quest contains several leveled lists of activators. Any activator added to a list is activated (so the OnActivate block runs) when the list's event is triggered.
? aaaCore.ListHIT is used when the player hits with an attack.
? aaaCore.ListBLOCK is used when the player attacks and is blocked.
? aaaCore.ListARROW is used when the player fires an arrow.
The script also contains several variables related to the player's attack.
? aaaCore.Target contains the NPC the player has just hit.
? aaaCore.HitARC contains the angle the player attacked from- 0 being the front, 1 being the back, 2 being the left and 3 being the right.
? aaaCore.HitLOCATION contains the inventory slot the player has hit (e.g. 0 for the head, 2 for the torso). For hands, legs and feet a hit to the left limb is negative (e.g. a hit to the right hand is 4, the left hand is -4).
? aaaCore.Arrow contains the reference of the last arrow the player shot.
? aaaCore.ArrowBASE contains the base form of the last arrow the player shot.
? aaaCore.ArrowX/Y/Z contains the current X/Y/Z position of aaaCore.Arrow.
Two other useful functions are provided.
? DamageCalculator is an activator reference that outputs any non-creature's damage when activated (e.g. DamageCalculator.activate Player 1), optionally including the armour and resistances of a specified target. It includes powerattack bonuses.
? DamageApplicator is an activator reference that applies any non-creature's damage (optionally including weapon enchantments) against another actor when activated.
Both share a set of variables used to configure them.
? “Attacker” is the source of the damage and used to calculate the values. It defaults to Player.
? “Target” is the target of the damage. It is optional for the Calculator, and defaults to 0 for the Calculator.
? “Slot” can optionally be used to calculate armour based on one of the target's specific armour pieces. It takes an equipment slot like that output by HitLOCATION. It defaults to the game's normal behaviour of using the target's total armour value.
? “Multiplier” can be used to change the damage by a multiplier. It defaults to 1.
? “Cast” is a Applicator only value. If set to 1, it will cast the enchantment of the attacker's weapon (if any) on the target. If set to 0, it won't. It defaults to 1.
Both output the value “Damage”, which is the total calculated damage.
I can't see any way to change the hotkey set at first mod start other than a disable and clean save all over again. No ini comes with the mod.