I have a feeling that most of these kiddies who are saying this game stinks are not even trying to work as a team. Probably all they are caring about is getting kills. Well news flash bud!!! There is a reason the Devs choose not to have your kills and deaths on the scoreboard. IT IS A TEAM ORIENTED GAMEPLAY GAME. Meaning you should not run around thinking about me me me like in certain other games (cough call of duty).
So instead of running around keeping to yourself why not go try a few objectives, buffing a few of your teammates weapons, or building a few MG nests to help your team? I know alot of you are starting to get used to this so called "change" that Obama has pumped into you to think that everyone owes everything to you and you should not work to accomplish things but still folks it is a video game. Try playing it as the devs intended it to be played.