» Tue Mar 01, 2011 2:51 pm
I think every dungeon should be given a condition of having quests assigned to it, and if you've cleared the dungeon, and there are no further quests pre-assigned to it for later in the game's plot, then it should be sealed. Dungeons that you find that are just sitting there waiting to be found obviously were never found by anyone else before you, or else they would have cleared that dungeon themselves. And unless you were an archeologist, it would be no fun to explore a dungeon someone else already cleared. What a disappointment that would be. So I think that dungeon locations that you clear should be reported to some agency within Skyrim that then comes out, studies the dungeon for lore and information, and then seals the dungeon behind themselves so no one else can go into it.
You could get some kind of a reward for helping to find and help preserve the memory of the lore found inside the dungeons, even if it's just an honorary title of some kind by that "preservation" society. Your rank could go up as you clear dungeons throughout the course of your game.
If that dungeon you just cleared is somehow connected to another quest somewhere later in the game, then of course it just respawns and resets and if you need to go back there for the quest, then its ready for you to do so. Then, once the potential quest tally for that dungeon reaches zero, then the society comes out and seals it.
Every dungeon, especially the cool ones, should only be visited 1-2 times at most. To preserve the memory of the enjoyment you had there, but to force you to move forward and find the next one too. If you really want to see that dungeon again, start a new character.
That's my take on it.