The bunches of players that are coming to these and the splash forums are, in my mind, a really good indicator that the poeple who have bought this game, WANT TO LOVE IT! They want it to replace the other games on their list. So many people on both forums have created accounts to ask the Devs to add something or change something, at least this shows that the players are interested in the game. I can easily see Brink becoming my all time favorite MP game, but there are fixes that are needed.
My major Gripe is the MPs lack of a intuitive party system.
Aside from that i am really enjoying the game, i come from Lost Planet 2 so i really love games that are different.
But i just want people to remember dont blindly hate on Brink, lets play nice and give Splash at least a chance to get things right. I do think its important however that splash lets its fans know they are doing something about the lag and lobby issues. Just leaving the player base in that dark is not a good idea, and will tick off A LOT of people.
Most importantly dont go around yelling " BRINK SUX BAWLS" all this is going to do is damage the potential playerbase. So if you want to love this game like i do, show some love