I am wondering if pre-order bonuses are still available for any retailers on pre-orders. On Amazon.com (unless my eyes deceive me) I am not seeing the Psycho Pack for Brink on 360 anymore, and apparently it's only available for the PC Amazon version.
This leads to my second question: What platform is more popular. I ask this because part of me wants to get the game on Steam for PC since I have a good PC and it being $10 cheaper, having dedicated servers, and mod support is a very nice incentive. On the other side, I want to get it for 360 because I find the controller a lot more fun to use than the clunky keyboard+mouse and I feel like the game would be a bit more popular for 360... and I want to choose the platform that has more players on it so I can have people to play with and what-not.
Basically, my two questions are: 1) Are pre-order bonuses still available for any platforms/retailers only a mere few days before release? -and- 2) What platform is more popular, or is supposedly going to have a higher player-base?
Thanks in advance.