» Mon Mar 21, 2011 1:52 am
I'd like it if you had a 'buddy' that escaped with you from prison (kind of like Jiub or something), and he taught you some stuff on the way. Then, when you finally get out, you go your separate ways and venture off into the land. He could end up being a warrior, a mage, a thief, whatever. I like the idea of thief. :blush:
What would then be awesome would be, by coincidence, occasionally bumping into him (maybe you're hoarding the same cave, maybe he's drinking at a lowly pub in the city?) and stuff. Perhaps later on he gets himself jailed again for murdering some innocent woman, and you get to decide whether you'll repay the favour that he did to change your life, or let him rot in his cell forever.
Dunno, I'd just like that one character that I have a bit more of a connection with. :shrug: