I like this thread lets not lock it down...
I'm enjoying all the great feedback. Too bad I steered us way off topic for a moment there. :whistling:
Wow. You make your first topic (a really good one) and get this kind of respons. You must feel pleased with yourself.
Thanks. I'm not. It's been a long day...
Fantastic map conversation a side I am really looking forward to having noticeable regions again! It was something that i always liked in Morrowind and something I never really felt like I got in Oblivion.
For example Morrowind had the mountain area the grass lands the arid sand area and the islands. Oblivion felt like one big forest except for up north.
I feel you. The Colovian Highlands were my favorite region just because it was a nice, wide open area. I'm sure The Pale in Skyrim will be an icy equivalent.
When I first saw Oblivion, I was amazed. So beautiful graphics and landscape. Me and my friends were like WOOOW. But after years of playing it, I realised that landscape,cities,enviroment is just very boring. Mods helped alot to fix that.
Skyrim will be much much much more awesome, because it wont be just greenery, forests and plains. I can't wait to start playing it. And as you said, cities are very unique, while in Oblivion, they were not.
I was so caught up in that conversation, I didn't get to see these great posts. Everyone's afraid there will be no variety in enviroments but the truth is, Skyrim will have twice as much as Oblivion did. It was well and good for it's time, (actually it blew me away in '06

), but it's not as beautiful five years later.
It is supposed to be hand-crafted and I think that will be great. OB was a bit boring, but then again, it was generated and not hand-crafted. I'm gonna spend some time finding the ruined head from the trailer

Exactly. That's what I'm thinking. Oblivion was enchanting even though most of the trees, bushes, and grasses were randomly spawned across the land so think about how much the hand-crafted enviroment of Skyrim will knock you off your feet. I will also search far and wide for this head. :ninja: