» Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:01 pm
This is a very torn subject for me. I can see both sides of the argument all too well, and it's hard for me to pick a side, but in the end, I gotta say I'd rather not see it come to life. After the success of the Partners mods, I'm sure it's something Bethesda has looked into, but that kind of thing would be very hard to implement and make everyone happy.
Personally, I think it's not a great idea because it would take the feeling of being a loner out of TES, which is one of the things I love about the game. Your character is the only one of your kind, adventuring across the entire land to do what (s)he has to do. For this reason, I always find myself abandoning partnership mods. I always have the Partners mod installed in my copy of Morrowind, simply because it feels like one of those must-have-mods, but I find that I use it maybe 5% of the time, and always for a very specific role-playing save. And even then, it is used even far less for a PC-NPC relationship. I enjoy role-playing when I play TES, but I don't like aspects that make me feel like I have to be somewhere, which is what a relationship aspect would do. Between quests, I'd feel obligated to go visit my honey back home. But even then, you could always role-play being a loner, which, going back to what the TC was actually proposing, it would create a really emotional aspect of the player character to be longing for the type of relationship you may see NPC's having. And maybe when things are said and done and the world is saved, you could pursue a relationship. But in the end, I'd say leave this kind of thing to the modders. TES is lucky to have such a wonderfully gifted and dedicated modding community, which is something we should never take for granted. We all have ideas we'd like to see in the series, but unfortunately a lot of these ideas will never see the light of day, speaking in terms of Vanilla games. But I'm sure within moments of Skyrim's release, modders will be hard at work implementing all the ideas we debate on these forums every day.
You see this kind of thread a lot these days, and I figured I may as well get out all my thoughts on the whole relationship debate right now. Just my 2 cents.