Hey hey hey......CoD is a great game....blah blah freakin blah
Oh wow,another CoD fan-boy....You gotta admit,Black Ops was a peice of junk,and it was a waste of money for me,the story was way too short! I just wasn't really into it,the story didnt grab me,and i still hate playing CoD online because of a reason that will be stated below...And no,I am not a CoD hater,I loved MW2 and I am buying MW3 when it comes out...I think BRINK will be better then Black Ops,because BRINK is a NEW type of gaming,a NEW type of controls,and just plain awesome.
...Play the objective based game with a group and dominate kids all night. THAT is good ole fashion fun.....blah blah and yet another blah I
Really? That is why I hate CoD online! People screaming,people saying hacker,people say bastard,people calling you names I couldn't even imagine,when I play online,I work as a team,I dont scream,and I apologize when I do something wrong,let's say(as some random number) 8 million people play CoD,around 100,000 of those aren't whiny little(sometimes fat,so big too) snot-filled body bags.And if your one of them,then you won't be dissing not-professional kids that just want to have fun,you wouldn't be dissing a game that has potential either!
As short as CoD Black Ops's story?íit took my like 2 hours to complete it,and I'm not that great of a gamer
Ofcourse this is all my opinion.
Why yes it is,my friend,yes it is!
If you aren't a CoD really devoted fan,alright,well then I apologize for not realizing you are just some guy ripping off a new game,Congrats! You got an "apology" from me!Good job,you peice of wheat