The texture issues are easy to get over, I find the extreme pixelating of characters pretty needless and annoying when you scope them at long range, but again it's easy to ignore. Simply because this game is absolutely loads of fun.
I'll admit that the AI is incredibly frustrating, and as a person who starts any game whenever possible on hard mode, having to put it back down to normal and then easy was a moment of shame for me. The fact that with no time left at all they rush the objective with military precision, get a time extension, and defend like Gods over and over again drove me insane... then I did my campaign in co-op mode. Within a few minutes my campaign was filled with random gamers, and I was having an absolute blast. Real objective based team play, even vs the crazy bots of death.
Then I hopped online proper and had another great few games, maybe I've been lucky to avoid the lag, but there was none to speak of in my games.
Really pleased with my purchase despite all the negativity, I completely understand where the ragers are coming from, we've all been there, especially with any hotly anticipated game, but in all honesty, I think almost all the flaws are easy to over-look once you get people together and just have fun.
If you're interested in Brink for fun, objective based team play. Don't worry. If you wan't CoD with matrix style free-running, don't bother.