I think I get it. he means that we should be able to visit the towns of other provinces that are really close to Skyrim (ex: Bruma) in order to convince them to join a certain side in the civil war.
my opinion now: I'm not really fond of the idea. ONE: our hero is not a political messenger, he's a dragon slayer.
TWO: they named it SKYRIM for a reason... and that's because it'll take place in SKYRIM, nowhere else (except in the expansions)
and THREE: I really doubt the focus is gonna be on the civil war. I mean, we might get a few quests here and there, but I doubt we'd get more than that
Well, if that's what they're asking, then I agree, except perhaps for 3, as I believe the civil war will play a large role in the main questline and could possibly have it's own factions involved.