LOL I'm not trolling, I am pointing out the fact that your numbers are wrong. Crackdown and Crackdown 2, Saint's Row and Saint's Row 2, and the Outfit were all not FPSs, Perfect Dark: Zero's campaign was way less than 10 hours, as was both of the Army of Two games (I would know as I have played and beaten the campaigns of all of these games.) I'll give you that Doom 3 had a long campaign, but I don't think you can classify it as a "shooter nowaday" as discussed in the OP; it is too old.
You are lying through your teeth, or keyboard as it were. The average for a modern day FPS campaign is closer to 8 hours than 10-15. Plain and simple.
The reason 3PS's were included was due to the reply that was quotes you specifically stated Gears(and other 3PS'). If you don't want a statement directed to you about what you are talking about, then don't talk out of context. You were comparing an FPS to a 3PS; as such both 3PS' and FPS' were provided to you. Even if you want to argue that it's closer to 8, that's fine. We'll say the 'average' is 8 -- Brink is still a 1/4 of that average. So the point is moot.
who gives a crap about the length of games he's talking about at the core his post is really good and I can agree with a lot of the things he's saying.
Most 'white knights' will avoid any relevant discussion in order to troll regardless of what the rest of the content is.
Yah, my brother who is nto even a gamer beat the CoD campaing on the "Hardened" difficulty or whatever the one above normal is in like 4 hours or so. This 10-15 hour mark is out of no where.
I find this very hard to believe, as the grand majority of people who do 'Let's Play's' on Youtube are averaging about 8~ hours on each of the CoD's campaigns. These are all people with a multitude of FPS experience, so I highly doubt someone with no FPS experience can beat a pretty difficult campaign(Hardened/Vet) faster then the grand majority of the more known players. If you could, rather then just posting 'facts', please provide some form of credible information to said facts(IE: a youtube 'let's play' would be sufficient) or a screenshot of a playtime screen would be welcome. If you are going to try to discredit someone, the least you can do is provide evidence of such.
All of this is aside the point; the games single player is well below the average regardless. Not to mention, the grand majority of what the OP is speaking about has very little to do with 'single player'. Can we get the thread back on track, rather then going on a tangent about the average of other games campaigns length. If you would like to continue to discuss it, please create another thread

The OP has been edited to what everyone is saying the average is(8~ hours), so let's continue on now guys.