Shortly the point that, ? checked the confirmed features but have a few questions:
1: Will there be any fatalities ? ?n oblivion ? was really unssatisfied about less blood and gore. that was unrealistic when you think the atmosphere. And always wanted to see cool killing animations for mage. Like ( When you use flame or fireball, burning the enemy or when you us?ng cold or ice, the enemy will freeze and when hitting it will split to pieces. ) Yea ? know maybe you guys think i am a psychopath but these little details increase fun and realism
2: ?n oblivion we could swim through seas and there were not any threat like ( Sea monsters or creatures ) Will there be any threat while we swim? Cause i hear that Skyrim will be an island.
3: Like oblivion, the dead bodies will still remain? if it is, thank you very much .?t is really good to see when your enemies dead body laid down with an arrow at their head, still after the days.
4: I want to give pre order of Skyrim but ? really need to know about: Will there be any version wh?ch includes the soundtrack?
Tahnk you very much