» Fri Apr 22, 2011 3:48 am
I'm very much looking forward to the gameplay itself. We all know the role playing will be awesome - this is a Bethesda game after all. But the gameplay in Oblivion wasn't as top-notch as many other things. Especially the archery. However, that is going to change in Skyrim with deadlier arrows, amongst other things, and I'm looking very much forward to that. I hope they upped the stealth elements too. Oblivion's were great, but it wasn't perfect, especially because you didn't know if someone was hostile when you'd been spotted, except for the battle music. I also hope you will be able to shoot someone with a bow at a distance without the person knowing where you are all of the sudden. Kinda like when using a suppressed weapon in Fallout 3.
Enough about my hopes, what about what we already know? God, there's so much... Everything, really; there's nothing I'm not looking forward to.