» Sat Apr 23, 2011 6:07 am
I would hope anyone with a 4th grade education would know the biblical references used regarding the "Ark" and its purpose in Brink's story. After all, that is why the founders named the city as such, which makes this not an Easter Egg, but rather a detail in the story you sadly just realized.
However, just to play Devil's Advocate here...the reference of the Ark is incorrect. I'm not a religious guy, but Noah had to save two of every species (or least the one's God cared about

) so that through a series of rampart inbreeding, animals could repopulate (sounds like a flawless plan...right?). Well, in Brink, there are apparently no females so no matter what...the population will eventually die regardless of how much homo-tastic activity takes place.

Just food for thought.
Two of the human species equals the Resistance and the Security, and they make love and reproduce like they make war: hard. Mind blown!