I have been doing some reading into the Daedric princes and the ways they are worshipped. Each Daedric prince has a specific summoning day. However, I have not been successful in finding the summoning day for Mephala. UESP has summoning days listed for all other princes, but not Mephala. Jyggalag doesn't technically have one either, but that's understandable. I could use some info to point me in the right direction.
In addition, in what way do summoning days for specific Daedric princes vary from normal summoning/worship? Is it only possible to summon the aid of a Daedroth on a summoning day, or is the summoning day a special day where it is extra likely the Daedric princes will appear? In Oblivion there didn't seem to be any restriction on dates. Is this a lore oopsy?
Further addition, is there any text pointing to specifically how Daedra worshippers worship? There is the bowing and the candles and whatnot, but are there any real rituals/rules/etc? I have been unsuccessful in finding anything like this.
Thanks! :biggrin: