She meant it's not spelled "Mundas" with an "a" but "Mundus" with a second "u." 
Think of it as Nirn being the physical planet itself and Mundus is the space in which it resides. Mundus is the realm.
What Haskill means by the portal posing no threat to Mundus is that Daedra are not allowed to enter Mundus uninvited, the exception being the Oblivion Crisis. Haskill means that the portal is for mortals to enter of their own volition and no Daedra will escape through it. As he says, it's an invitation.

Think of it as Nirn being the physical planet itself and Mundus is the space in which it resides. Mundus is the realm.
What Haskill means by the portal posing no threat to Mundus is that Daedra are not allowed to enter Mundus uninvited, the exception being the Oblivion Crisis. Haskill means that the portal is for mortals to enter of their own volition and no Daedra will escape through it. As he says, it's an invitation.

I knew it was an invitation,but wasn't sure what he meant exactly,because i thought mundas/mundus was nirn. But you have answered that.

This is going off topic,but will ask it all the same,again because i can't remember,i won't be playing the shivering ilses for a while yet,but i would like to know in the mean time.
Ok,f i remember right ,we ( the player character ) became sheogorath....right?...But couldn't we leave the isles as and when we pleased?...Meaning ,that is indeed breaking the rule/rules of mundas/mundus?. Or is that because the process is or was not fully done yet? And where did jyggalag go...his he now free to roam oblivion,because i get the impression he is now separate to sheo.
Sorry to go off topic,but i would like to know,while i asked about haskill.