For the sake of having a more densely populated world - a need anyone is hard pressed to contest - I think it is time to foresake the notion evry NPC should have a name. I can live well with that, as long as cities are not as deserted as museums past closing hours
Daggerfall had a randomly generated and quite large population where everyone had a name.
Random name generator, its called.
Yes. Every NPC needs a name. Every hostile NPC too. Nothing is worse for verisimilitude as killing yet another generic 'bandit', a clone of the 10.000 you killed before. This trend needs to be reversed, not spread to non-hostile NPC's, so that a town is filled with people called 'citizen'.
I want to go to a dungeon, kill a dunmer bandit called 'Arana Velothi', and then roleplay going to town to tell another person named Velothi about the fate of the black sheep in the family. Just like in Morrowind.
Once, I made sure to kill every Lenith in Morrowind but two, and then I took the quest in wich Orvas Dren's two Lenith guards had to be killed.
I had great fun paralysing them, telling them they were the last of their family in Vvardenfell, and finishing them.
This is not possible if bandits or townspeople are boring, bland, generic cardboard NPC's who dont even have a name.