What kind of spells are you looking forward too?

Post » Fri May 20, 2011 9:05 pm


There's always the same old electricity, fire, cold...but wheres the water?

Flood a room and shut the door
A river of water to wash folks off their feet
Water in one hand, cold in the other = a shell of ice on your opponent
Water on snow = melting snow (ohhh...now I've worked in destructable environments! )
Water on cold ground = ice and opponents fall
Water to put out opposing fire magicks
Water against shocking = both users take damage

Gah, I finally have a use for the old water emote...and it's gone!

And of course....stinking cloud on self ;)
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 8:06 pm

Summon Cliff Racer.
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Ben sutton
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 11:39 am

Levitation. Never gonna happen though.

I know this will sound cheesy but the first time I levitated in Morrowind my mind thought I was really flying, and no I was not on any drugs. This was the most breath taking moment of any video game ever for me ever. Please let me feel that again in Skyrim

I'm really excited about new types of destruction spells ( flamethrower or fireball not just fireball for ranged fire damage etc.)I'd also like telekinesis to allow push/throw enemies. Jedi style :mohawk:

Here here. This could be a non-destruction based and not necessarily fatal way of handling a foe. A ranged hand to hand for mages. Along with kenetic blast, a kinda of stasis hold so I can get away and a kenetic pull. Pull and enemy into you and them blast them into another. Maybe not a lot of health damage, but a diffinite drain on fatigue. Can it be deadly, well just ask the Bosmer who just got thrown over a cliff. :dead:

Summon Cliff Racer.

You would summon the beast... I don't know kemo Skyrim may not be ready for that.
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 6:09 pm

Great Balls Of Fire :rofl:
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Arnold Wet
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 8:20 pm

The spell where I cut an argonian in 2 and make some new boots. No but seriously I look forward to the levitation, im thinking of a way to use it in melee combat. :toughninja:
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 11:57 pm

FLAMETHROWER!!! :flamethrower::flame:
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Cheville Thompson
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 2:20 am

Levitation would be cool since it felt so evil like being possessed by demons in THE EXORCIST. It was the main reason i always chose mysticism in TES 2 DAGGERFALL. Interested in seeing how the new spells will work. Think i read somewhere you could freeze an enemy in place then shatter them with a fire spell afterwards. Will definitely do a sword and spell combo if such a thing will still be possible.
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 4:36 pm

The spell that lets me push npcs onto the ground over and over again.
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 1:27 am

The Fire spells, I'm hoping to see to what extent the environment ignites. In the trailer, I believe the snow melted.

Something I also thought of: If each spell has three ways it could be casted(i.e. Fire Spells -- Tap = Fireball/Hold = Flamethrower/?? = Rune) and there are 80-85ish spells in the game, that is alot of different spell effects! In the trailer, the PC even casted an AoE around himself with the Fire spell, giving the notion that there are many, many different ways a single spell can be casted. Possibly giving the idea that perhaps you can customize the effects of your spell and switch out for more efficient effects than the one your using, i.e. switching out the Flamethrower for the Fire Wave. It's either that, or when a spell is the only thing equipped it may become more powerful? I don't know, obviously lol, it's all me rambling.

If spell creation is going to be absent from Skyrim, hopefully Intellect, like another poster suggested, should increase your spell's damage. If not Intellect, the school of magic to which that spell belongs, i.e. Destruction for Fireball. If the combination of spells makes it in-game, that would be even more spell effects, which means more awesome! I'm not going to go into another paragraph about the possibilities of such awesomeness, I think I did enough lol.

So yeah, wanting to see Fireball and it's awesomeness.
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 1:18 am

A fire spell unlike any before, a spell that not only burns your foes but explodes violently, think of the reaction that you get when you kill a skeleton in Oblivion with a fireball, bits of bone flying all over the place, only that would happen to everything in the blast radius.
So in short I want things to go BOOM! when I wave my hand at them.
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 1:34 pm

I thought the devs said that dual wielding a spell doesn't mean you could cast two different spells, but just power up one spell that uses a ton of magicka, and that makes sense. You're going in for an all out attack, casting with both hands at the same time, letting a ton of magic flow out. Magicka pool is still a big factor.

On the subject of dual wielding, the devs said you could have a spell in one hand and another spell in the other, I remember them saying if you were fighting an enemy mage you could put an offensive spell in one hand, idealy lightning because lightning spells also drain the enemie's mana and a defensive spell in the other, acting like an anti-magic shield.
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 12:35 pm

Im looking for a better crowds control. maybe a mass calm-mass frenzy... (ill go cast it on crowded city-then watch townspeople killing each other) :)
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 7:48 pm

What kind of spells are you looking forward to, or what kind of spells would you like?

And would you dual wield spells, or some other magic-based combo? Or no magic at all?

I would probably have a longsword in the right hand and an offensive (attack) spell in the left, Bioshock style.

Basicly any spell which are able to manipulate/interact (with) the environment - fx fire which is able to melt ice.
Personally I do not hope levitation is brought back - I would like to see rock climbing and levitation would be to easy even though I loved it in morrowind.
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Post » Sat May 21, 2011 12:17 am

A spell that spawns and launches Adoring Fans from your fingertips.
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Post » Fri May 20, 2011 11:22 pm

I want Fortify speed 1000 and fortify agility 1000 so I'm a ninjy! (also a good way to get around if there's no fast travel) I hope there's no fast travel, Oblivion seemed so much smaller because of it.

I think I also might enjoy a nuclear fire bomb spell too, like the morrowind spell Area 100ft, fire damage 50 (although 100's better). I want to be able to roast city's in one go.
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