So, I'm using Alluring Potion and Wine Bottles, OOO-compatible version. The mod has most of its resources in BSA files.
BOSS assigns the "Graphics" bash tag to both Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp and Alluring Wine Bottles.esp.
When creating a Bashed Patch, I have the option to "Merge Patch" (as well as Graphics) for Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp, but not for Alluring Wine Bottles.esp (which just has the option to Merge Graphics). Of course, if I check this, Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp turns green in Wrye Bash indicating that the mod can be deactivated (merged into Bashed Patch). However, when doing this, the meshes from the BSA file can't be found in the game. If I activate the mod, then it can find the resources, but then I have a check mark next to a green mod in Wrye Bash which of course is confusing from an organizational standpoint.
My guess here is that mods that have resources in BSA files shouldn't be "merged" - i.e. have the nomerge flag, otherwise the BSA file won't be properly loaded. Am I making a correction assumption?
What's a bit confusing to me here is that Wrye Bash is giving me the option to merge Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp but not Alluring Wine Bottles.esp when they have identical BASH tags. I'm still using Wrye Bash 287, by the way.
EDIT: Follow up - subsequently tried "Mark Mergeable" in Wrye Bash on Alluring Potion Bottles v3.esp and it indicated that it wasn't mergeable due to the BSA file. Not sure why it detected it as mergeable in the first place - perhaps a Wrye Bash glitch.