» Sun May 22, 2011 8:43 pm
You should really reat the Documentation that comes with it..
"An automatic savegame system that can completely replace Oblivion's autosaves and quicksaves. It is highly customizable and will not interfere with standard savegame operation.
There are many options that allow the player to tailor Streamsave specifically to their needs:
- Configurable number of save slots (up to 40)
- Configurable save timer (from 1 minute up to 360 minutes)
- Protection against saving while in dangerous situations: low player health, in combat, in lava, while yielding, while trespassing, while swimming, etc
- Optional saving in special situations: while inside only, while idle only, after a zone (travel, door, etc), after waiting or sleeping, while sneaking, while character has a weapon out, etc
- Optional audible feedback when a save is performed
- Optional "Save Reminders" instead of actual saves
- A "Lite" version of Save Reminders that only puts a message in the top left of the screen for two seconds"