Do potion and magic items register on the detection ? they're a form of magic afterall. And is there a possiiblity to get an exemption for things like healing magic or very low magnitude spells that could be viewed as non-threatening (using a litle bit of magic to kill off the bugs in your bed, light a fire, easing a cramp, finding your way in hte dark, that sort of minor stuff)
Magic items are not detectable, nor are they considered much of a threat. Healing magic is covered by the magical law enforcement, if the case is dire enough. Alchemy and such things are very much legal, although more controlled than previous. Such potions as "invisibilty" will be unavailabled to the public.
I like that idea, but surely using even minor spells can allow for a revolution? Spells like detect, unlock, or (if enough people cast it at the same time) fire or drain health can be very dangerous, and healing spells could be used to keep folks alive that the oppressors really want dead.
I don't have a specific opinion, but I thought I'd argue the other side.
EDIT: but on that same note, do birthsign powers and the like work? I'd always considered them to be on a different level to 'spells'?
Birth sign powers are redundant, more on it shortly.
I am so there.
Provided we don't pick up from where we left off. I'd definately need to start again, and there are loads of new folks here as well. Better if we start again, methinks.
Yeah I think so to, I don't even want to use the same characters again. I'm using a character I've been using in other RP's for once instead of making new ones.
I may even post it up tonight so people can start putting their sheets in before I make the IC to get the ball rolling tomorrow.
Here's a sheet people, Fill it all out, I'll read each one and decide who gets to have no memory. I'll save each sheet to my computer and take out chunks of the bio, every time I feel that you should start remembering something that can be relevant to the situation or not, I'll give you a part of you're bio back so you can edit it into you're character sheet, just make sure the memories coming back are RP'd accordingly.
Name: Please try to have something specific to a race, im not that picky really. Bretons tend to have French sounding names, Khajitt are named for their forthcomings/talents/physical differences, as are Argonians. Orks are named for their fathers, example Grobab Gro-[fathers name]. I really don't care to much aslong as I don't have to meed a khajiit named albert.
Race: No mixed races. (Read the rules)
Gender: No mixed gender.
Age: Don't have to pin point it, decide say 20-25 or 25-30 or something. If you're an elf mention how old they look to, Vampires should look older than they are.
Birthsign: Just pick one, I wont be including the special powers you get with birth signs in this rp since they change from the different games..
Physical description: If you don't want to get nitty and gritty with the details, please provide a picture. Add the height build and weight as well.
Bio History: If you intend to have amnesia I suggest a long bio so I can effectively edit those parts I don't want you're character to know just yet, if they are skilled at sword play, mention how he learned, if they are extremely flatulent, mention it.
About the character: No, no skills, Not the seven skills of oblivion, that doesn't work in real life so it doesn't work here. Just tell us what they like doing, what their personality is like, what they are skilled at etc. And "special" abilities should go here, including abilities gained from vampirism and lycanthropy. Even skills such as "He can balance a knife on the end of his nose while doing an irish jig" may prove relevant.
Weapons: The weapons usually used and carried with them.
Armour/Clothing: What are they wearing right now? And what armour do they usually use?
Misc. Items: Do you smoke a pipe? Drink tea? Play cards? They go here.
Ok I'm being strict with sheets, last time I opened this I got a ridiculous amount of sheets and only approved a hand full of people. Please try to be as detailed as possible, or at least creative and or well written.
Heres an example of what you shouldn't send me.
Name: Albert Smith aka The shade
Race: Khajiit (Sench-Rhat)
Gender: Man
Age: 150, but he looks 21
Birthsign: The steed. But even though he was born in the wrong month he's still a senche-Rhat, cus he's special.
Physical description: He's got green eyes, tawny fur and big ears.
Short History: Albert is an assassin for the dark brotherhood, he is emotionless. He feels not emotion. He has no emotion. He is cold and stuff. He wears dark brotherhood armour all the time and no one gets suspicious. He has a dagger up his sleeve cos that's a good way to fight when some one is running at him with a claymore. He's totally clich? but its unique cos he's a khajiit called albert.
About the character: He's good at using a sword. He's good at jumping an running and climbing and stuff.. He could totally shoot an apple off the head of a bosmer in cheydinhal while stood on dive rock. And he's totally a master of destruction.
Did I mention he's a vampire?
Weapons: A katana on his back, two short sword at his waist, daggers in his belt, a bow. No one gets suspicious of a walking armoury right?
Armor/Clothing: He only wears his dark brotherhood leathers. He cant take them off, he's been wearing them for so long they have shrunk around his body.
Misc. Items: Lots of skooma, cos a dark misunderstood assassin stays focused on drugs.
See what's bad about that? Every thing.. Please try not to make a stereotypical character, I will be reluctant to accept.
Heres what I would rather see.
Name: Almerion Enveri
Race: Nord/Vampire - Volkihar Clan
Faction/rank: Dark Brotherhoo, Speaker
Gender: Male
Age: 80's
Birthsign: The lover
Physical description: Almerion, a Nord by blood and birth, stands like you would expect, like two Bosmers atop each others shoulders. He is around 6'7/8. He is old and decrepit upon first impressions, but only because he wishes to look so, those who are all to eager to believe this illusion will often pay dearly, when not holding up this charade, He combs his hair and beard, tying them both in a neat tail, This trick alone shows how he truly looks. And aging 50 year old man by some accounts. His handsome, yet pale face seems extended in length due to his long white beard, which grows from what once could be considered a goatee, but now reached midway down his chest, his cheeks are hollowed and shaven. His hair is also long and white, reaching halfway down his back, he tied it with a red ribbon.
He still has the body of a 45 year old, for this is when he was bitten. He was fit and healthy. Even then he was a slayer in the name of Sithis. Some who dare to, compare his eyes to the void itself, for they are cold and empty, yet the shine red with the blood of his kills. He cannot recall a single time in which they have shown mercy. Though laugh lines can be seen beside them.
Though in appearance he is old, he still holds on to the handsome vestiges of youth, he can use both to his advantage when he needs to, women fall for his charm and looks with a push from his Vampyric gifts, Men fall for his false weakness of age, only to underestimate him and pay a fatal price.
Short Bio:
Almerion Enveri adopted the name in memory of his old master, and father figure. For many years he rotted in the pestilential town of Bruma, working as a body guard of a rich retired merchant, who had more malice and spite than a coven of bitter forgotten nuns.
He had worked for this man since his teenage years, for low pay and little respect. The men and women of the town would look down on him in pity when they saw his broken form wander into the tavern, only to sit alone at the bar, nursing one drink for hours before retiring to bed.
After the merchant passed on, Almerion was thrown onto the streets, with no money and no home, he turned to the one place he thought he may be useful, the fighters guild.
After many weeks of painstaking training and hardship, the branch leader simply told him he was not good enough. Almerion murdered him in cold fury, beating him with his bare fists until he could no longer feel the skin of his knuckles.
He fled from the town, bloodied and confused, confused because the feeling of ecstasy at taking the mans life invigorated him.
In the night, through the shadows a voice whispered to him beside his bed, he was not alarmed when the voice first woke him, he lay their, expecting death for his actions, but instead, was rewarded. He grew more elated as he savoured each word from the speakers lips. The void, had seen him and loved him like a son. Sithis the dread father was now the one he served.
After training for many years in the Darkbrotherhood, one contract went wrong. He was contaminated by a vampire, he did not return to his family in Cheydinhal, he fled, fearing reprisal and rejection.
"You have been gifted again my child." A soft voice spoke to him, it was not Almerion, the speaker whose name he had taken. It was Vicente Valtieri, a Breton Vampire who lived in the sanctuary of Cheydinhal. After a night of talking, he agreed, under the eye of Vicente, to embrace the dark gift. He used its advantages, the strength and speed it granted would serve him better than the others it gave, but all where used in equal measure.
The Brotherhood unleashed him when they needed the grand effect. He would often compose the death of his victims like an opera, a play or poetry. His speaker had taught him well, he had embraced the Altmers teachings and cultural roots, tossing aside the barbaric Nordic ones he had been bred upon. When the speaker died, he adopted his name, casting away the old name which tied him to his old life.
Like his master before him, he grew powerful in the art of Alteration, eventualy mastering it in ways no other man knew of, he could use it for both combat and defence.
Nearly twenty years after joining the Brotherhood, Almerion Enveri was named speaker, and sent to the province of the Summerset Isles, There he trained under the watch full eyes of his adopted kinsmen in the arts of Alteration.
About the character: Almerion is gifted in the Art of martial combat, or hand to hand combat. He is fast and strong. He uses an aggressive fighting style, often pushing an attack relentlessly even when he cannot land a blow, pushing his enemies to the edge until they falter and he can strike. He uses Alterations creatively, using some offensive spells (burden etc) defensively and some defensive and miscellaneous spells offensively (levitate, shield spells etc)
With his mastery of Alteration he can (in conjunction with the pommel jewel on his ebony arm) Spread the ebony around his body like the most powerful of shield spells. He looks like a black jugger naught of a statue when he uses this ability, although he rarely uses it for lack of need.
Weapons: Proffering unarmed combat over armed combat, Almerion has honed his fighting techniques beyond that of any man alive which he knows of, his left arm is encased in metal, a modified armour from a suit of ebony, the kind of armour you would expect to see on the arm of a gladiator, only there are not breaks in this armour. The tips of the gauntlet are modified, each finger has a talon like claw upon the end of it. The knuckles are each studded with a small steel sharpened stud. On the Shoulder of this ebony casing is a green pommel jewel, It vibrates with untold power when Amerion gives into his blood lust, And provides a source of Almerions enhanced talents.
Armor/Clothing: for armour, see above. Almerion wears a fine red silk tunic, with black silk pants. He hides his armoured arm with a thick black travel cloak and black gloves, he often leans on an old staff, limping along at a gentle pace in his leather shoes. He likes being underestimated, The guise of a weak old man suits him well.
Misc. Items: a bottle of Cyrodillic Brandy, a thin chorded rope, a knife, and a small sack of herbs. A smoking pipe and a leather pouch of tobacco.
Im not biging myself up posting my own sheet, Theres better ones around but I cba to look atm. Just try to make an effort to make it nice and long so people actually have a feel for the character they are supposed to be rping together with rather than posting about something then totally getting it wrong.
If its short but very sweet I also don't mind.
Heres some rules.
1. Try to use proper grammar and spelling , I'm not picky at all as long as I can understand what supposed to be said, This rule is for people who might mind. If you're not sure, type it up in word doc first then copy and paste.
2. Expect to die, this is a dark RP with a dark story with dark with dark things happening, don't expect to survive every encounter with you're enemies, be it NPC or PC.
3. Romance is ok by me, but please don't be disgusting, its all well and good Rping a six scene but having the actual post describe and inner monnologue of thoughts and feelings from the person rather than the physical happenings of the sixual organs. it's a 13+ forum after all, don't want the moderators swining the ban hammer about for any soft core erotica.
4. If you fight another persons character please do not write the outcome of them, that is for them to decide, if you write a good post with a good attack/tactic/spell etc, they may think that they deserve to lose and ear or a finger or an arm, no character control at all unless its predecided and discussed with the other party, and state that it has been discussed in an OOC.
5. If you're character is god, its ok if he is all knowing and every where at once, but he isn't so you arent, if you're guy is all knowing, he should know a good kick up the ass is heading his way. Don't be all knowing.
6. Stay active, if you're not going to be active and you leave you're character in conversation limbo then it ruins it for others, please pm who ever you're character is with about it and give them a few details so they can write you into sabbatical with their next post. If you leave during a fight, I will allow character control to end the limbo. Severed heads all around.
Real life is great and all, but please just think about the other people in the RP =)
7. Vampires and werewolves are ok, I'm only going to accept very very well written ones. I had countless were-creatures in the last thread but only accepted IN because hers where the only ones I enjoyed reading about. The rest made me think of that god awful movies "underworld". Same goes with vampires. Even if its good, I'm still controlling the population of such creatures in this RP, so don't be offended if it does get denied, you could re-apply with that character if another vamp/wolf drops out and/or dies.
8. You can have as many characters as you wish, as long as you're capable of using more than one, I personally like to use 3-4 per RP (I think in circlet I'm on 4, adding two more if immortal approves) But that's my own prefrence, for this RP I'll be using maybe up to 6 characters once the story is well and truly off the ground, not all of them will be as frequently posted for but all will be needed for moving and controlling the plot.
9. Post and IC with you're sheet. I don't want to clutter up the thread' first two pages with nothing but character sheets like last time. Im posting a starting IC with the thread so theres no excuses about "I have nothing to respond to". If you're busy etc don't worry, just try to edit it into you're initial post when you can if nobody posts after you, or few people do.
10. Don't post a sheet without an approval, even if I say I'm thinking about it, if I'm not 100% about you're sheet, you're not 100% in this RP.
Ok so that post was a lot to chew, if you made it through all of it before setting up base camp for the night half way through, congrats. Feel free to post sheets to me when you're ready.