Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:55 pm

Hi, pretty blunt question here but I am using FCOM and have both magic overhauls and just thought I might ask which I should probably load first since alot of things will be overwritten like damage and enchanting crap. Maybe someone who has FCOM and both magic mods might have tried it both ways and may suggest which was better suited for FCOM?

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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 10:48 am

Probably LAME and after it SM I prefer SM because of its overhaul it does make quite a few changes for mages and makes them more powerful. Also its more likely better to keep the changes of the magic system from SM than from LAME
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I’m my own
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 10:13 pm

ok thanks for the reply! appreciate it! i may jus make 2 seperate saves swapping each to see what the differences are. i am mostly just worried about damage being imbalanced. ill try SM after LAME first.

i forgot to ask, will LAME or SM conflict with nGCD/PROGRESS mods? progress states:

Progress will over-write settings from any other mods which edit these values.
The only potential incompatibility is in the MBSP option; if you have other
mods which provide this feature (such as Supreme Magicka), you should disable
it in one or the other. Note that one of the reasons for MBSP's inclusion in
this mod was the discovery of a serious bug in most other implementations.

however, i havent seen anything with SM about magick based leveling anywhere in the mod?
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Mandi Norton
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 12:22 pm

ok thanks for the reply! appreciate it! i may jus make 2 seperate saves swapping each to see what the differences are. i am mostly just worried about damage being imbalanced. ill try SM after LAME first.

i forgot to ask, will LAME or SM conflict with nGCD/PROGRESS mods? progress states:

Progress will over-write settings from any other mods which edit these values.
The only potential incompatibility is in the MBSP option; if you have other
mods which provide this feature (such as Supreme Magicka), you should disable
it in one or the other. Note that one of the reasons for MBSP's inclusion in
this mod was the discovery of a serious bug in most other implementations.

however, i havent seen anything with SM about magick based leveling anywhere in the mod?

SM does change your learning in magic
In the Supreme Magicka ini file you can change that not to happen if you dont want any conflicts
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Antony Holdsworth
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 2:49 pm

is this it?

Set SMDebugMode5 to 0 ;turns off the magicka based skill progression script.


Set MagickaSkillProgression to 1 ; Set to 0 to disable.
; Set to 1 to use a magicka based skill
; progression system so that higher costing spells
; will train your skills more than lower costing
; ones which will prevent you from needing to spam
; weak spells to train magic skills at higher
; levels.
; Set to 2 to modify this further so you get 75% of the experience if not in combat and
; 150% if you are in combat.
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Dona BlackHeart
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Post » Sun May 29, 2011 7:38 pm

Hi, pretty blunt question here but I am using FCOM and have both magic overhauls and just thought I might ask which I should probably load first since alot of things will be overwritten like damage and enchanting crap. Maybe someone who has FCOM and both magic mods might have tried it both ways and may suggest which was better suited for FCOM?


LAME and SM are quite different so the best thing is probably to try both and choose the one you prefer. That said, if you want to "stay true" to OOO's magic system Supreme Magicka is much closer, esp. as it is so configurable via the ini. LAME is more based on a particular vision of how magic in the game should be IMO and nothing wrong with that of course, but it's quite different from vanilla/OOO.

iSet MagickaSkillProgression to 1 ; Set to 0 to disable.

Disable that.
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