Dynamic Dungeon In Skyrim

Post » Wed May 25, 2011 12:34 pm

forewords: Sorry for my Bad english :)

so this is my humble wish as player who want a major improvement over the world of Roleplaying in Elder Scrolls Universe, so WHAT IF: the shift of Radiant AI also focused on the bandits across SKYRIM promising a dynamic aspect of BANDIT'S DUNGEON PLUNDERING *my favorite Elder Scrolls aspect--
Im talking about Bandit daily activities, they eat-drink-and get high with Skooma during the night* (you could fight a drunken bandits with low Agility so they would staggered a LOT during the sword fight)
Those bandits have 18 hours activities like: Mugging halpless people during the day-so you couldnt find lot of bandits during day-raid, only several bandits guarding their loot on those sweet dark cave of theirs,
but during the next 6 hours,they try to rest and have a celebration in their sanctum during 07 PM or so,while sneaky player type could observe those bad guys over the dark cavern wall.and kill them one by one...
meanwhile a goblin invested cave would give player an experience that they were raiding a wrong place (Sheiittt.. its a goblin stronghold). during your fight bellow, you can free a human prisoner inside the goblin cave and he-or she could be your temporary allies during your fight to claim those Goblin loot but with your command of course.. hmmmm.... delicious

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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 12:38 pm

I think dungeons should be more alive. I think bugs and cave bats need to scatter when you walk through the an underground cavern with your torch. Small, non-gigantic rats should run to the cracks and burrows.
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daniel royle
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 3:02 pm


In other games enemies just kinda stayed in their cave/dungeon/whatever. Exceptions were scripted of course, but not often enough. I would like if your enemies were also taking complete advantage of the Radiant AI, so they do more than eat and sleep in one location, but perhaps move to other locations. Or if the location is their de-facto hideout, they would venture out, kill guards, bandits, or other non-named NPCs, grab their stuff and use it or hoard it. I'm really hoping that there are more non-named NPCs, like traders, so that there are more victims that aren't possibly involved in a quest for you; I'd like if the "next of kin gives quest" feature was, for the most part, used because you killed the NPC, not some marauding group of....Marauders.

Also, if you ventured or followed the enemies back to their hideout you will find them doing activites based on recent events. Like celebrating, as DragonMafia said, after acquiring some loot. And if dungons would have small critters to make it feel more alive, like Liu Bei said, then that would make it even more awesome.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 5:46 pm

I totally support this, these are all great suggestions ^^. If the dungeon is a long time dead building it doesn't mean the ones who use it now should be dead too, they are using it for living. They should go out with schedules like the wolves will do, you can plunder their stuff in their absence or with little resistance. They should cook, play music, practice combat, torture some prisoner, set traps, or even fight each other when they share the loot. Stealthy players should be able to speculate the activities inside the dungeons in their favor. The only dungeons that I think should stay dead and creepy are the tombs.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 8:37 am

I guess thats why tomb should be stay dead and creepy... maybe some necromancer do their evil bidding inside those dead halls (doing some ritual maybe-not just stand still and walk,waiting to be sniped by expert archer from a far), those necromancer steal corpse at the day-and rest at their base during night: doing a ritual-sleep-talk-eat-walks-checking dead bodies-reading book.etc

ghost/skeleton and other undead would do an unpredictable moves like: Zombies eat corpse.Skeleton sharpen their rusty weapon (hahaha).and ghost wailing over his former living bodies
Bandits/Raider/Marauder would do their daily routine inside: getting drunk-counting gold- sharpen their weapon-sleep-eat-laught-practicing (even one dungeon consist 4 bandits but those activities surely breath a life on static dead dungeon plundering)

NOTE: this could be a strategic evaluation for those Full Frontal-fighter class player since they loved to do a full frontal assault againts those bandits, player could be overwhealmed by enemies easily if they foolishly enough to charge all alone to the center of the depth of bandit invested cave, they must adapt the dynamic class-gameplay of Skrym: thats why companion hold an important strategies here (SAY HELLO TO THE COMPANION WHEEL) you can command your allies to guard your back while you focusing on one enemy-or you could use a bow equipped allies to help your Shield-defending heroes hold the fierce tide of 4-enemies battle (of course your Block skill play an important role here)

i guess my expectation is too much for these Dynamic Dungeon plunderingm just because im feeling empty when playing my heavily modded Oblivion in PC right now :)
anyone knows a mod to alter these Dynamic Dungeon dreams in Oblivion :hubbahubba:
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Amanda Furtado
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 5:17 pm

Good ideas, but to me the greatest failing of dungeons and caves in TES is that there is TOO MUCH LIGHT in them. In REAL life, you CAN'T SEE inside of a cave after traveling a few meters. Torches or light spells should have a lot more value to the adventurer.
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 1:21 pm

I think dungeons should be more alive. I think bugs and cave bats need to scatter when you walk through the an underground cavern with your torch. Small, non-gigantic rats should run to the cracks and burrows.

Oblivion had no rats, they were small rabits, right? I think it's such a great idea tio have non menacing creatures such as fragile spiders and tiny bugs dwelling in dungeons. Not everything moving has to be a target or a potemtial threat. It would be a giant leap forward in terms of the holy grail of Immersion.
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 10:12 pm

Good ideas, but to me the greatest failing of dungeons and caves in TES is that there is TOO MUCH LIGHT in them. In REAL life, you CAN'T SEE inside of a cave after traveling a few meters. Torches or light spells should have a lot more value to the adventurer.

ya, almost makes you wonder why torches and light spells are even there.

The other day I found a pitch black cave in Morrowind full of deadra though. It was tough.
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 11:36 pm

It'd be nice with critters like spiders and small rats yes.

But truth be told, all these ai routines you're talking about would be A LOT of work for bethesda, atleast if you want them to be dynamic and different from "cave-to-cave".
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Andrea Pratt
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 11:52 pm

I think another one would be necromancers cutting open and examining corpses or sitting down and making potions in a Mortar and Pestle.
Another one could actually be, having some less then reputable traveling merchants going to the cave, buying/selling. Killing the Merchants weakens the bandits as they don't have the food/water supplies incoming as stable as before.

Good ideas, but to me the greatest failing of dungeons and caves in TES is that there is TOO MUCH LIGHT in them. In REAL life, you CAN'T SEE inside of a cave after traveling a few meters. Torches or light spells should have a lot more value to the adventurer.

More dynamic lighting would have been nice, after all bandits aren't gunna walk around a dark dungeon either without aid of some form of light unless they are sleeping. Perhaps then Khajiit's nighteye power could be traded for a free low-light vision toggle so Khajiit have better vision in the dark without having to turn everything blue.... the dark areas essentially wouldn't be as dark while the toggle was on if you were a Khajiit, they'd be between dark and where oblivion was. Also while on, they would not notice shadows and shade as well as other species, for the flip side of being able to see further into a dungeon then any other race.
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Emily Shackleton
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 12:31 pm

I think the dungeons should be more dynamic not only regarding the activities of npcs, but as contested territory as well. I don't like when I already know what I'll find in a dungeon. This is the cave of necromancers, the other one is a gobblin cave, etc. I want a lot of small groups of bandits, vampires, rebels, different cult worshippers, even animals to be dynamic on the map, to go from a dungeon to another so I could witness non-scripted fights between different groups to take control of a dungeon. It's nice for exploration to enter a cave where you previously wiped (or have been wiped by) a group of religious fanatics and see that it changed into a rebels hideout or assassins or trolls or whatever...some of them would be hostiles, but some may be adventurers like you and even offer you a bed or trading goods or hiring a henchmen...it would be a nice touch not to know what to expect even in previously visited dungeons.
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Pat RiMsey
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Post » Wed May 25, 2011 3:18 pm

Good ideas, but to me the greatest failing of dungeons and caves in TES is that there is TOO MUCH LIGHT in them. In REAL life, you CAN'T SEE inside of a cave after traveling a few meters. Torches or light spells should have a lot more value to the adventurer.

hmmm... i think its too damn annoying fighting the enemies while you holding torch in one hand and sword in the other (i've done it in my modded Oblivion-including a mod that drop my torch when my weapon unseathed and now i'm playing with the vanilla lights source) , since SKRYM include the dual wield weapon system, you obviously will have to switch between torch and weapon frequently - that would be a nightmare.
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