With an extra £5 off with the 'Trade In' offer included i only had to pay £8.09 for Brink SE... Bargain.
Special ED includes :
Spec OPS Pack: Hockler Machine Pistol, 'Sloani' Face Mask, 'Dog Tag' Tattoo, ''Greeneye'' Scope
DOOM Pack: ''UAC'' & ''Cacodemon'', Bulpdaun SMG Skins, ''DOOM'' Bandana, ''UAC'' Beanie Cap, ''HELLSPAWN'' Tattoo, ''UAC Body Armor'' Tee, 'SCREAMING SOUL'' Tee.
Question Time - The Bonus extras listed above... can they all be individually unlocked by progressing through Brink, or are these specifically made for 'Bonus Content' which can only be unlocked by inputting the code?
If i can unlock the items by just playing Brink them i will be giving these codes away for free. I have a feeling that the DOOM packs 'Clothing' is unlocked by code only so i just want to make sure.
Any information on this would be great.