Second of all, I am creating an EH fan fiction (I am allowed to write when my dad is home, but not on the internet).
It will consist of a lengthy prologue detaling the rise of the Bloodseekers, and the infamy of their name. Many characters from the original and short-lived second RP will be returning, such as Jentina, D'raziir, Dren, Lliryn, Faolin, Thorin, Mannimarco, and many plots will return, like the Oblivion cisis, the Book of Ancients, the Quarantine, the Solstheim Invasion, and the Bloodseeker war. So far I have also created many new and deep characters like Arden L. Rosewood, handicapped yet deadly leader of the Bloodseekers, his bodyguard and commander Kain Reverus, and an eager yet vengful Legionairre named Artemis, and the sinister beauty, Mordwyn, who found the legendary Umbra, Sword of a Thousand Souls. Three books will be of fairly good length and the final will most definitely tie up the loose ends, of which there will be many.
So, to whom it may concern, my good news has been announced. Thank you.