Name: Jaycobe Smythe
Race: Imperial
Hair Color: Satin Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Age: 32
Appearance: Thin scar that starts on his forehead and ends under his left eye, medium skin, eight fingers (lost his right pinky and ring fingers in battle)
History: Joined the legion at 27, but was dismissed for gross dereliction of duty (It involved the captain's daughter and I'll leave it at that). His girlfriend left after his firing from the legion ceased further income. A heavy drinker who can often be seen at the Foaming Flask.
Likes: Surilie Brothers wine, The Talos Plaza district in the Imperial City (His apartment is there)
Dislikes: Racism against Argonians and Khajiit, Constant hangovers, Morrowind
Weapon: His silver longsword from his soldier days
Outfit: Dark shirt, Black Wide Pants, Leather Boots, Silver Necklace
Birthsign: The Steed
Class: Soldier
Guilds: Denied entance to fighters guild due to standing warrant for public indecency
Abilities: Blade, Blunt, Athletics, Heavy Armor, Marksman, Speachcraft, Block