Quite the opposite. A half-sized mesh (visually) is exactly the same size in bytes - load times would not be changed at all. Smaller objects hide less behind them, so rendering your view is more complex, and so slower. Stability would not be affected, as that has very little to do with visual aspects of the game. Crashes usually happen because of logic problems in scripts etc.
I think you misunderstood my post,

Many people have already enlarged the size of the cyrodil world-space by scaling it up 2 times or 4 times, but that most of the time resulted in long loading times, unstability. So by scaling everything except the world-space down by half, it would achieve the same results but without these problems.
Yeah, i would prefer people working on the already created excellent heightmaps as well. In fact i am about to start work on a temporary mod that adds trees, rocks, grass, plants to the heightmaps.
But the main issue with current size of the cyrodill world-space is not that its too small, but that its too cramped. I mean travelling from one city to another takes only max 4 min (RL), there are no grassy-plains or large fields, its just forests and mountains.