It's not just those two maps either, Aquarium and Resort are also very imbalanced. The last part of Resort where you have to hack the controls in that tiny ass room is just a nightmare on offence. It doesn't help that the Security spawn right next to the control room while the Resistance spawn miles away from it. Then of course you have to cross out into the open to get to the control room, which is a guaranteed death as you get mowed down by MGs and Sniper fire. And if you actually make it into the room, the entire thing will either be filled with mines and sentries, and if not then Security will spam every explosive they've got into the room to ensure you don't even so much as get near the controls.
Also, let's talk about hack objectives. Not only do the operatives have no personal defence while hacking, but they also hack slower than it takes to remove the hack box. Doesn't this seem just a little bit unfair? This is also the reason why I am incapable of beating the second part of Shipyard on easy while playing solo. The bots massacre me and my teammates and any progress I make on the hack box just gets reverted instantly by one engineer, let alone multiple ones.
These are all just my personal experiences, but I'm sure it's more than just coincidence. These kinds of things happen way too often for it to just be stacked teams or something.
It's also not uncommon to join a server on Container City only to find the Security being spawn camped at the first area. That map is without a doubt the most imbalanced of them all.
Anyone else think the maps are terribly designed in terms of balance?