Dragon Age 2: Lessons to learn

Post » Tue May 10, 2011 4:03 pm

Dragon Age is one of the best games i ever played so yeah, im hoping it did influence skyrim devs

Influence skyrim dev's how exactly?....care to explain?

Dragon age will never come close to the elder scrolls. Fancy cutscenes,and lack of freedom does not make a good game in my eyes. Bioware,are ok i suppose....but EA are awful.
I wonder how fast/often they are gunna knock dragon age out....i'll say alot more often than elder scrolls. If you like dragon age,thats fine, each to their own. But NO way in hell do i want dragon age to influence skyrim or other elder scrolls games....my opinion.

There will be bugs in all games,but alot of games are riddled with bugs nowadays,and it seems to be those that are made year upon year. In britain they are thinking of having a gaming watchdog,because so many games are being rushed out,then patched later...Fifa 11 and call of duty MW2 were the main reasons this came about. It's slightly of topic,but i needed to get it of my chest......I can't stand EA. I didn'y buy MW2 either,i'm sick to death of call of duty. I'm so glad i have morrowind and oblivion still,because there is that much crap thrown out today,that disappoints me....not all games,but alot. Then i think...oh well, i still have morrowind and oblivion...then i'll play skyrim.
Standards are dropping ,and alot of that is games that are year to year release,fable went that way,fables got worse.......I used to like peter molyneux,but thats changed,he talks pisshh....when he speaks his arsecheeks move,and his lips are still....i'll give him credit for that i suppose...neat trick! It's time to trim the heard people!
End of rant. :)
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 3:05 am

I'm not a fan of dragon age at all. I never completed the game. Just lost interest.
I hated the lack of freedom,hated how you had companions,hate baby sitting them,unless it's a choice,companions should be optional...it's not everyone's cup of tea.
I will not be buying dragon age 2....it will never ,ever be in the same class as elder scrolls. Some of my friends bought dragon age 2,and didn't like it......Morrowind is better than both those games,that says it all really,as is oblivion.

Whereas I'm happy to play all sorts of different "RPGs", from open world TES games, to Bioware stuff, to Diablo-esque hack-n-slash, to JRPG cutscene-fests. Each has their different style and their place.

(But, yeah, I'm of the opinion that you can't do a very linear / heavy story Bioware-style plotline well in TES - being really linear makes it easier to do a strong plotline. And TES's style & strength is in the open-world thing. I wouldn't want it to sacrifice that for a stronger storyline - after all, I can get that type of RPG from other companies. :) )
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Vicki Gunn
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 4:51 am

They had like 20 pieces of DLC, including Day 1 purchase crap.

Dragon Age II can die in a hole.

Back on topic: They could take companions from DA:O (DA II's companions were a hodgepodge of the most stereotypical sidekicks on earth), moral choices from DA:O, and a more mature story which they can pull off with a guaranteed M rating.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 3:53 pm

Here's a lesson to learn from DA2- Don't make crappy games.

Dragon Age 2 was good what are you taliking about it got a 9.5 and you say it svcks.
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WYatt REed
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 9:52 pm

Your thoughts?

As much as I want to like DA2, it pisses me off too damn much. Just by playing a few hours, I could already tell that the developers don't care enough about the players. There is so much lack in detail, it's absurd. The paths your character walks are already ridiculously small, why do I still run into invisible walls in between rocks? Is it that hard to make these tiny areas look even half as good as Skyrim? Everything seems choppy, just like it did in Origins. The whole point of combat is to strategize but how can I when my teammates don't follow my set tactics? Use health potion when Health < 10% Merril! It's incredibly aggravating when what is supposed to be a game's strong suit is a failure. The only enjoyable moments I get from DA2 is in the conversations but even those get dull after awhile. My thoughts? Bethesda is on the right track and would be wise ignore the Dragon Age series. They're the ones that need to take notes.
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le GraiN
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 6:29 pm

some memorable characters would be great.. better dialogues like DA and other Byoware games...

one reson for you to love the people in the wolrd of skyrim....

evebody in this forum just think about killing people and children f possible....why? beause no NPC or quest in TES serie makes you see emotion in the world....why would care about help the people of SKyrim... i just wanna kill everybody
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Jeneene Hunte
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 7:56 pm

The only thing I hope Bethesda has learned from Dragon Age 2 is that in the RPG genre, they have no competition. That, or not to make linear, (shoddily written) story driven RPGs with 180'd art styles and a lot of gutted content with day 0 DLC.
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KRistina Karlsson
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 12:31 am

I should probably have avoided this thread but I do have a few things to say.

-Bioware and Bethesda games are very, very different beasts. What does a mole have to learn from a monkey?
-Bioware games are driven by characters, Bethesda is driven by open world and combat.
-To the people complaining about not gearing characters... One character games work for that, multi-character games it just gets ridiculous.
--Of course Mass Effect 2 and DA2 were both steps too far in the other direction
---Though DA2 shows they are learning
-As to Day 1 DLC. If you actually did pay good money for your game you get the content. If you're buying it used Bethesda gets nothing, if you buy it new the get something. Makes perfect sense to encourage players towards the more beneficial behaviour.

& DangerDan
It's not that they don't care about the player, in fact lots about the game in fantastic... It's just the gameplay that svcks. No, I'm not joking. The story is solid, on average the characters are better done than DAO (though none as good as Alistair and Morrigan), the voice acting is ridiculously good (you don't hear Jowan every two feet either) and some of the bigger twists are incredible. The combat and inventories svck, the party members having their own trees' is interesting, but the people missing trees (like Merrill not having heal) counterbalances this. It's worth a playthrough for those things alone, and it could've been a gaming Hallmark if it's combat wasn't sooooooooooo bad.

& lms919
I can assume a role in Dragon Age 2, I can make my own character and can undertake many actions that are far more related to actual roleplaying than Oblivion allowed. By very name that makes it a Role-Playing Game. It may not be a digital tabletop game, but it is an RPG. It's not particularly good with combat, but it is an RPG.
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Laura Wilson
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 4:04 pm

i think is not impossible to have a good story for skyrim and good suport charcter in the world...not just dolls with no life...
there is this welf in DA2 called Merril.. i just met in th game...she′s got a so nice voice acting... and the she s so sweet and has a kind personality.... while we fight together she tell somthing about the place we are...and the way she express
emotions.. i realy want to help her i almost see her as a real individual
NOW TES.... what do you read in every forum?" can we kill anyone in this game?" the world is big , you can do anything.. you have freedom.... but noone in the world has a personality...i dont know... in oblivion i couldnt care less about charatcers...they were all the same...their dramas... i could laugh at them...no wonder everbody want to kill and not to protect...

THAT is somthing behesda has to learn from bioware...
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Jennifer May
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 11:08 pm

DA2 was some pretty mediocre stuff. The so-called "moral choices" Bioware's famous for are usually anything but. In ME 1/2 you could be a bit of a [censored]. That's it. In DA 1/2 you can be a pretty huge [censored]. In none of those games were choices that really made me pause and consider what I'm about to do. The first KoToR had this, but Bioware's lost their touch since.
Play The Witcher. I had to sit and think about the choices presented plenty of times, and there are consequences.
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Josh Sabatini
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 1:42 am

No way in the Blue Hell should Bethesda do anything that DA2 did. That game was terrible and is a joke when compared to Skyrim. You want tough choices go play Fallout 3 or New Vegas. You want awesome gameplay then Skyrim is the choice for you. If you want to play a bug filled game that was rushed then Play Dragon Age 2.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 11:45 pm

Asking a developer to learn a lesson from Dragon Age II on how to make a good game is like asking them to learn a lesson from Duke Nukem Forever on how to release a game in time.
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Setal Vara
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 12:09 am

Dragon Age 2 was great. But it's not an Elder Scrolls style game. DA2 is acentral-plot oriented action-RPG that is focused on the development of the central character and his/her relationships. Elder Scrolls tends to be more pure RPG, with the main quest and plot taking a backseat to open world gameplay.

Apples to oranges, really, although I do like the fact that the DA2 story was very political instead of having some big supernatural threat. Although with Alduin coming for dinner, maybe that won't be done as much in TES until number six.

And the reactions to the game here fall perfectly in line with yet another of my running list of internet sociology theroies.
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carrie roche
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 2:57 am

Dragon Age 2 was good what are you taliking about it got a 9.5 and you say it svcks.

So a review from people like IGNorant is going to influence you?

Also so what? GTAIV got a 10 and that is NOWHERE near perfection.

Also one more point, DA2 also got a 8...
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sally coker
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 5:29 pm

So everyone saying that Bethesda has nothing to learn from DA2 or DA:O, believe that Oblivion had a better main story than either of those games... right
That's the point I made. NOT that DA2 is a better game. So yes Bethesda can learn a thing or two in this department. This and the character development someone mentioned. I couldn't care less for the characters in Oblivion, most of the time, because they were caricatures.
Another trend on the responses is the "they are different games" argument. The Terror Of Death even went as far as to say that there are games with good gameplay and games with tough moral choices. Are you suggesting that we can't have both? And why are you assuming that Skyrim will have awesome gameplay? You know something we don't? Pre release info is not a way to judge a game. Civilization V looked awesome in pre release and look how it turned. And how exactly was DA2 bug filled? The only bug I have found so far is the revival skills. Nothing game breaking.
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kristy dunn
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 4:40 am

I love how a lot posters are beginning to put "I EXPECT TO SEE THIS" in their posts. It makes me laugh considering it isn't always your way. :lmao:
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 5:59 am

So a review from people like IGNorant is going to influence you?

Also so what? GTAIV got a 10 and that is NOWHERE near perfection.

Also one more point, DA2 also got a 8...

Not only that but in this day and age reviews are strictly on a "advertisemant" basis. Website gets revenue generated from advertisemants, and companies get to spread the word about their game. If they bad mouth the game (aka Kane and Lynch) then advertisemants get pulled, money disappears, and people lose their jobs. This formula has been pretty consistent. Look at all the more honest reviews where 90% of what they talk about is flaws and how it doesn't stack up to DA: Origins, but then they follow up with that wonderful last line "But overall you can look past it blah blah 8 out of 10". Suspicious behaviour.

Now, the USER reviews on the other hand. 4.0's, 4.0's everywhere.
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Elle H
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 12:15 am

Here's an idea, how about Bethesda continues to make good games, and Bioware continues to [censored] over their fans and make [censored] games while fondling EA's balls? This is ridiculous, Bioware has nothing on Bethesda, NOTHING.
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 1:00 am

So everyone saying that Bethesda has nothing to learn from DA2 or DA:O, believe that Oblivion had a better main story than either of those games... right
That's the point I made. NOT that DA2 is a better game. So yes Bethesda can learn a thing or two in this department. This and the character development someone mentioned. I couldn't care less for the characters in Oblivion, most of the time, because they were caricatures.
Another trend on the responses is the "they are different games" argument. The Terror Of Death even went as far as to say that there are games with good gameplay and games with tough moral choices. Are you suggesting that we can't have both? And why are you assuming that Skyrim will have awesome gameplay? You know something we don't? Pre release info is not a way to judge a game. Civilization V looked awesome in pre release and look how it turned. And how exactly was DA2 bug filled? The only bug I have found so far is the revival skills. Nothing game breaking.

DA 2 is very bug filled it should've been delayed 3 months.

Isabella Bug/Sebastain Bug, If you get their friendship/Rivalry filled up and you get a skill if they aren't in the party you lose 5% on your Attack speed permenently.
Merrill Bug, Her final Quest is possibly glitched and the Romance doesn't go correctly it says that your with Isabella instead.
Sword And Shield Bug, If you de equip a Shield and Re Equip it your Armor keeps going up instead of going up to where it's suppose to be
For some of the quests if you don't follow instructions and loot corposes before your suppose to you can't finish the quest.
Some of the Quests can't be completed

Trust me I don't want Skyrim ending up like DA2. Also the gameplay in DA 2 is horrible I would rather have Oblivion's gameplay any day of the week for Skyrim.
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Margarita Diaz
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 5:24 am

One of the major gripes I have with DA 2 is the fac tthat you can't gear up your companions, this is possibly one of the worst descisions Bioware has made. Also, as Brood said, having DLC avaliable on the day of release is a big nono. Infact just don't do DLC at all, and do a proper expansion or two

I like the fact that you don't get to gear up your companions to whatever you want them to wear. In Origins, it made sense that they allowed you to dress them in whatever armor you wanted them to wear because they choose to follow you as a leader.
In DA2, you aren't their leader, you are simply someone they know, and possibly a close friend or a rival.
I loved DAII actually and the main quest interested me more than the Origins MQ. I only dislike the overuse of environments, the many bugs (new games usually have bugs these days though), and a few more things that I won't get into right now as this is not a Bioware forum
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Nicole Elocin
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 1:42 am

I love how a lot posters are beginning to put "I EXPECT TO SEE THIS" in their posts. It makes me laugh considering it isn't always your way. :lmao:

I'm just laughing at the irrational, defensive hatred in this thread. You don't like DA2, we get it. No need to get all red-faced and immature over the fact that it exists and other people do like it, and start posturing about how people who review games are just advertisers. I notice I never hear anyone say that when they agree with reviews, but I'm certain that's just a coincidence.
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Michael Korkia
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 5:26 pm

Actually that was the course of action I was following. Of course I don't have the "fun" of having wasted $50 US on a game that I hated, but I read the reviews before I thought about it.

Instead I'm getting some books I'm actually interested in......
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Benjamin Holz
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Post » Tue May 10, 2011 7:24 pm

I'm just laughing at the irrational, defensive hatred in this thread. You don't like DA2, we get it. No need to get all red-faced and immature over the fact that it exists and other people do like it, and start posturing about how people who review games are just advertisers. I notice I never hear anyone say that when they agree with reviews, but I'm certain that's just a coincidence.

Actually I'd tend to say it's a rather normal and rational reaction to people who defend a game with such illogical prospects about what makes a game "good."

If we had less chucklenuts throwing 60 dollars out to games well known to be crap, think of all the COWADOOTY rehashes we could have avoided.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Wed May 11, 2011 12:08 am

A lot of rude comments and personal opinions stated as facts. Let's let BGS make Skyrim as they want it, I am sure they will manage just fine. ;)
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