Repair methods

Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:49 pm

How do you think weapons and armor will be repaired? I'm hoping for a new system, because the previous ones didn't make sense.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:02 am

why not need some materials to repair? or even need to be around a furnace to heat up and patch your steel cuirass?
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:46 am

I always enjoyed the process of developing my armourer skill in both MW and OB.

Of course it cost you a lot to buy all those hammers initially, but there is a great satisfaction later on in being able to thumb your nose at those merchants who would try to part you from your hard-earned septims. <_<

I fervently hope that the ability to repair armour in the field is retained.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:27 am

You will need a workbench, so no more magic repair hammers.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:04 am

All new system

You need materials, a furnace and anvil, and a repair hammer and you're good to go.

EDIT: I don't know if this is too much, but realistically a sword wouldn't last forever.I think after enough repairs it'd get to the point where the blade would break. Maybe this could happen to lesser weapons (iron/steel) but definitely not Daedric Artifacts or other high-end enchanted weaponry.

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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 10:25 pm

All new system

You need materials, a furnace and anvil, and a repair hammer and you're good to go.

EDIT: I don't know if this is too much, but realistically a sword wouldn't last forever.I think after enough repairs it'd get to the point where the blade would break. Maybe this could happen to lesser weapons (iron/steel) but definitely not Daedric Artifacts or other high-end enchanted weaponry.

Swords lasts for generations, yes probably less if used as much as our characters will do but still a long time. Axes does last for generations, people buy new one because the old get lost, not worn out :)

Downside of having to return to a forge is that it will svck if forges are rare and far from your house.

The repair method in fallout 3 makes sense for armor, your armor is damaged to you replace parts with other armor, it does not make any sense for weapons. It made sense to repair a assault rifle combining parts, not so much with a baseball bat or sword.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:57 am

All new system.
1. Different tool sets for different weapon and armor types: piercer and tread for leather and fur, hammer and tongs plate and mail armor, whetstone for swords and axes
and nothing for clubs and maces.
2. Repair in field can only made to certain extent for example 50% damage taken on 50 skill, and toping at 75 % even if your skill goes beyond.
3. Weapons and armor can be repaired to 100% and beyond in forge using appropriate materials.
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:04 am

I didn't like Fallout's method much. They should make it so you can only repair at certain places like a forge.
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Epul Kedah
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:03 am

How do you think weapons and armor will be repaired? I'm hoping for a new system, because the previous ones didn't make sense.

Not fallouts! That was so rediculous! Congrats you have found a mega-powerful-unique weapon/armour!
Then in the fine print is says:"P.S it'll only last till it breaks, because after that theres not convienient way of repairing it because its unique"
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:08 am

i think it'd be fun if you could harvest woolly mammoth tendons and use them as bowstrings
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:12 am

You will need a workbench, so no more magic repair hammers.

Has this been confirmed? If so, they're going to have to make weapons and armor last a lot longer, because in past games, I'd sometimes need to repair my equipment after just one difficult battle, and that's going to be pretty gamebreaking if you can only repair items at certain specific locations.

Myself, I'd be perfectly content to stick with the old method. The method of Fallout 3 and New Vegas was nice, but I think worked better in that setting, since I don't think say, a sword has enough small parts in it to make such a system really work. Repair hammers may not have been exactly realistic, but I don't play the game for realism. They got the job done and rewarded the player for carrying them around and trying to raise the appropriate skill rather than just paying people to fix your items, and in RPGs, rewarding the player for raising skills is important, and it doesn't always need to be done in a realistic fashion.

EDIT: I don't know if this is too much, but realistically a sword wouldn't last forever.I think after enough repairs it'd get to the point where the blade would break. Maybe this could happen to lesser weapons (iron/steel) but definitely not Daedric Artifacts or other high-end enchanted weaponry.

Definitely not, I don't want to permanently lose my beloved weapon except by my own choice, even if it only applies to low end, non-unique weapons, especially if I've enchanted said weapon.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:25 am

Hammers are fine, if you need a workbench for repairs, then the dungeons will need to have benches here and there, just as a conjurer's lair should have alchemy benches and the like.
I think a combination of hammers and the requirement of a similar piece would a fine addition to a hardcoe/survival mode, the entire point of which is to encourage foraging and using whatever you find.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:45 pm

It would be terribly weird if you had to run to a damn anvil or forge after every quest/dungeon etc. To have a weapon actually break isnt all that easy (its like they're built to last!), they'd more often get dull and get minor imperfections etc. The logical way to repair that kind of things would be with an grinding stone, not with an anvil or a forge...

That said, it would be crazy to put that in the normal version of the game. It may be relevant for hardcoe, but hammers work just fine for now.
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 9:27 pm

repair items, some of which only work on certain kinds of weapons. Why would a hammer work on a wooden bow or leather armor?

items: for anything with a sharp edge/blade for metal (armor, weapons)
wax (for bow string, for leather)

There should also be repair services via a weaponsmith/blacksmith NPC.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:06 am

They say they'll have blacksmithing now, blacksmithing based repair system and repair hammer for quick repair that wont completely repair your armor but least make it wearable.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:50 am

All new system.
1. Different tool sets for different weapon and armor types: piercer and tread for leather and fur, hammer and tongs plate and mail armor, whetstone for swords and axes
and nothing for clubs and maces.
2. Repair in field can only made to certain extent for example 50% damage taken on 50 skill, and toping at 75 % even if your skill goes beyond.
3. Weapons and armor can be repaired to 100% and beyond in forge using appropriate materials.

^ That pretty much sums up the sort of system I'd like to see. The ability to patch it up with a hammer in the field so it's usable but imperfect, and proper repairs at a forge with materials such as metal ores, hides, wood, wool etc. (depending upon the type of weapon/armour) which you can either find as loot, harvest yourself, or buy from a smith - who can also do full repairs on your gear for a price, for those players who don't want to get involved in doing the smithing/crafting themselves.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:47 am

^ That pretty much sums up the sort of system I'd like to see. The ability to patch it up with a hammer in the field so it's usable but imperfect, and proper repairs at a forge with materials such as metal ores, hides, wood, wool etc. (depending upon the type of weapon/armour) which you can either find as loot, harvest yourself, or buy from a smith - who can also do full repairs on your gear for a price, for those players who don't want to get involved in doing the smithing/crafting themselves.

I agree here, there's definitely a need to be able to repair items in the field, but the idea of needing either very high skill levels or professional services to bring items to 100 % or beyond makes great sense to me from an immersion standpoint.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:25 pm

If anyone has played Dark Messiah of Might and Magic then thats the system I want. To be able to forge and repair in real time.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:07 pm

If anyone has played Dark Messiah of Might and Magic then thats the system I want. To be able to forge and repair in real time.

I have, and even though you could only make 2 different swords, it was kinda fun :P. To make it ish like that when making things would be nice, but for most of the repair Id rather have an interface or something.
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lucile davignon
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:06 pm

I think that in order to make a system where you need to go somewhere to repair your items without ruining the playability, they should last way more than in previous games.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:50 am

i have another idea

how bout a chest that you carry around that opens into a furnace :teehee: lol
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:46 pm

I'd say material based maintenance but constant deteriorating. The more "abstract" the material, the more repair skill you need to maintain it, but when it's completely broke you need to visit a professional. So you may need a whetstone to keep the blade sharp, but the sword itself continues to degrade. If a sword outright breaks - visit a smith to have it reforged. You may repair a leather armor by parts found on another leather armor, with very little skill. Up it to a steel ring mail, more skill needed. Plated ebony, even more. Daedric, pretty much forget it. Artifacts, definitely forget about field crafting.

I don't dislike the FONV system, but I find it oddly balanced. Repair skill, combined with the carrying limitation aspects (in hardcoe mode) feels utterly useless unless you get it to 90 and get the Jury Rigging perk, after which it is extremely powerful. But it's also "how should the repair skill perks look like"?

It's something I've tried putting my mind to, but it's really hard to foresee how good the gameplay turns out to be, if it's even playable at all. I've tried various approaches in my mind, but I can't say I'm particularly happy with any of them (based on gut feeling, not spreadsheet testing - didn't get that far even).

There is cost and benefits to everything. The balance in Oblivion didn't feel all that wrong, it just felt kinda weird and cheap how you did everything with "hammers".
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:52 pm

Poll Full of sarcasm
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