Hello, I'd like to see what skills, New and Old, you'd like to see and their abilities at each level, Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert and Master.
I'd like to see Marksmen as: App. Normal arrow attack. Journey: Normal with a Chance to knockback. Exp: Normal with a Chance to Paralyze. Master. Fire 2 arrows at a time.
Edit: Also New spells New or Skills you'd like to see.
Conjuration: app. normal summons journeyman. Durations extended Expert. two summons at once Master. Perma- summons (might be really overpowered but who knows)
I would like to see Destruction App: One effect spells (ex: Fire damage) Journey: Multi-effect spells (ex: fire and ice damage) Expert: Reduced magicka cost. Master: Greatly reduced magicka cost.
Illusion App: Less mana Journeyman: Improved Less Mana Exp: spell effectiveness. Master: Time greatly extended
I'd also like to see a "Decoy" spell, that allows your character to cast a replica and send it forward, distracting enemies. And a "Nightmare" Spell, While an NPC is sleeping you cast it and it slowly damages them but also keeps them in sleep mode for x Duration.
Also a Light spell that lets you cast it onto a certain place, So you can cast it in the corridor up ahead, lighting the way.