the first is dynamic membership. npcs would join rise up in rank, etc.
Also instead of doing quests [ugh] to rise up in rank quests give you renown in the guild. Enough renown means you rise up in rank. Other ways to get renown is through bribing officials, assasianting other members who slander your good name, making friends with other members, advancing in associated skills, etc. so soemone who hates questing [like me ] cana ctually progress and get the good perks of being a high ranking member.
i'd also like a robust rank system. The mages guild [or whatever form it'll take in skyrim] might have a ruling council. The head of battlemages might be able to send other members out to kill "necromancers". if you become head of battlemages you can name any npc and it would happen. if you become head of enchanters you get free soulgems. there would be numourous ranks within a guild. if you reach the head you can access all of them. So if you're archmage than you can order the head of magical law to outlaw the alteration school. Or the head of battlemages to get an annoying npc killed by saying he's using an alteration spell. etc.