I will be sincerely surprised if your character isn't automatically ambidextrous.
Indeed, I suspect- based on everything I've read- that your character will be functionally ambidextrous from the start.
The reason most games have an 'offhand penalty' is because they are entirely based around single-weapon combat. You either use a one-hand weapon (and a shield) or a two-hand weapon. In these games dual wielding isn't 'true' dual wielding, as both weapons still function the same as one (you just get boosted DPS). So, the penalty is there to keep dual wielding from be unbalanced and overly strong, as otherwise it would give you the effective power of a two-handed weapon with the speed of a one-handed weapon. Also in these games magic (or The Force, or whatever) is usually handled via it's own button(s) or weapon (staff, wand, etc.).
TES V on the other hand looks like it is based on two-weapon combat from the ground up. The entire system relies on giving each hand a dedicated task, be it swinging a weapon, raising a shield, or casting a spell. In this type of system (with magic on the same level as weapons) different combat styles should be more naturally balanced. A big two-hander is going to give you better range and damage-per-hit, one hand and shield will give you the best defense, and dual wielding- be it spells or swords- will give you the highest raw DPS. I mean, if they used the old offhand penalty, wouldn't it have to apply to
whatever you put in your offhand? Including magic and even shields? That would make sense, right? You must be able to block better with your shield in your dominant hand.
So yeah, I don't want a dominant hand and an offhand penalty. I want the system to be free and open. Which would naturally mean your character can be as lefty as he can be. :thumbsup: Of course, I could be wrong. Which would svck, for me anyway.
Btw, the whole 'left hand of the devil' thing? I've always heard that comes from the time before the wondrous invention of toilet paper, when you would just have to use your hand and- if you were hygienically inclined- a bowl of water. The left hand was unofficially designated the 'wiping hand'. Hence: nasty, unclean, and evil. Let's just be glad Bethesda isn't trying to make the game
that overly realistic, eh? :tongue: