» Sun May 15, 2011 1:16 pm
This is similar to what I thought about this topic in another thread:
I do not believe we have a complete history, or geneological tree type structure of all the possible bloodlines.
We know that a bloodline connection may, indeed, be possible, as it was with Martin, in Oblivion.
However, when I look on the first page of the GI Skyrim article (pg. 46), it is indicated that the gods can anoint individuals to be the Dragonborn.
"...Tamriel needs the Dragonborn. Those rare individuials anointed by the gods to strike down this ancient threat..."
I think this makes it possible for an individual of any gender, or race, to be the Dragonborn in Skyrim. at the will of the gods.
Further, the article indicates that there is only one dragonborn.
TES lets us create our own background stories, and as such, some of us may opt to have living parents and siblings. These can not be dragonborn, if there is only one left.
If our character is the Dragongorn, the only one left, then I see the following possibilities for being the Dragonborn:
1. At some point, the gods anointed our character.
2. The characteristic of being the Dragonborn is an inherited geneological trait that does not maniftst itself in all individuals of that lineage.
3. Some combination of the above.
This is only a theory and it is possible I missed something, so, if you can show me why this is not correct, please do so.