» Wed May 11, 2011 4:45 am
I would find a 'use' for all body types...
... however I see where your coming from. Having played and gotten used to Light now I am wondering why I thought Medium was so good to begin with.
Medium would probably make a better Engineer (my second class) but for an Operative/Engi mix Light is perfect.
Here's how I matched up my classes to weights:
Light : Operative, Engineer
Medium : Engineer, Soldier
Heavy : Solder, Medic
Medium makes for a better Engi because he can take more hits. Medium makes a good Soldier due to the weapon choices.
Heavy makes for a good Medic due to the Supporting weaponry/role and the ability to tank damage while healing etc. and again, Heavy is good for Soldier due to the weaponry.
Light makes the best Operative because of the weaponry (doesnt really benefit from ARs), speed, and abilities (take the high road to get round the Turret and Hack).
That's just my opinion, arguably any class would fit and weight as we all know Light Medics are handy and so are Heavy Engineers to tank while Repairing that Crane in Shipyard...
But I think my opinion sums up nicely that the point in Medium weight is to open up the mid-range abilities. I think a Light Soldier would suffer, for instance, because their abilities focus on Grenades and ammo and armour, something a Medium would probably benefit more from. It's all just what fits with you, at the end of the day. That's why this game is so good.