Say....since this topic has pretty much evolved already, would it be a good idea to turn this into a general Arena topic for small questions?
I was wondering about a few things again, but felt it would be smarter to ask here rather then creating an entire new topic.
(Topic policies are different on pretty much every forum though).
Anyway, what i was wondering is....
- Which level where you guys before you entered the Ice Fortress?
I went in at level 10, but still had a very hard time defeating Ice Gollums and took a lot of damage from Ice wolfs.
I took a Warhammer of Lightning with me, which proved greatly effective against the Gollums though.
- I read somewhere that the ebony bow is a very good weapon to use, where can i obtain it?
- Is there any better armor i can find for a Spellsword since the best i seem to be able to equip is Chain armor.
(Am i restricted to belts an amulets for better AR ratings perhaps?).
- I read somewhere that you could create spells that barely cost you magic points or do not cost you any at all.
Can someone explain to me how to do this?
I know these are quite a few questions, but for regular players they might be easy to answer (i think).
Thanks in advance for any information.