Installation issues...

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:11 am

Alright so I hate making threads asking for help because I feel like an idiot and don't want to be a nuisance, but I've tried everything.

I'm installing FCOM Convergence and I need Wrye Bash. Unfortunately EVERY guide I found for Wrye Bash or FCOM is outdated for older version. I can't get Wrye Bash to work though. I'm on Windows 7 and I download the WryePython03 file from the nexus, I download the Wrye Bash 275 self installer, and then I attempted to update it to version 290 but nothings works.

If someone could give me a walkthrough I'd be so thankful you have no idea!

I'm going to post back in this thread if I run into trouble on some further steps in installing FCOM, again sorry, but it's a pain that the guides are so unspecific and outdated.

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anna ley
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:07 am

version 290 requires version 286 to 289 to be installed before it IIRC. Its just an update not the complete package.
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Jessica Phoenix
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Post » Mon May 16, 2011 11:41 pm

So I do I update from a previous version? Do I click and drag the files over and replace the existing ones, or do I unzip them into the oblivion directory?
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Allison C
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 6:06 am

Now, I don't even know if I did it this way (can't remember! :)) but, it says this at the Wrye Bash 2.90 update download section at the Nexus: "Requires an old installation of Wrye Bash 286+" - so, I'd suggest grabbing 2.86 or more recent, then updating that with 2.90. It might help, but - as I said - can't guarantee it, personally. Always best to read instructions and readmes, and follow them precisely, however.

Also for WB, as linked at the same download site (probably where you got WB from) there's, which might help a bit.

For FCOM, read the OP of the latest official thread for FCOM at this forum. That's the only thing you need to read (and follow, precisely), that I can recall.

hth! :)

edit: ninjaed, hardcoe! :ninja:
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:07 am

The only complete walkthrough I know for an installation of is on and there is a lot to read. :read:

To complete your FCOM installation you need both and :)
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:59 am

uhh download and install version 286 or 287 or 288 or 289 an install that, then reinstall version 290.
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Shannon Marie Jones
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:16 pm

Thanks guys, let me try this out and get back to you.
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:01 am

Wrypython03a Installer (be sure its the 03a version, which resolved problems with the 03 version)(BUT if you have a previous version of Python (a version installed prior to WryPython03a), un-install that first (including going into your Start control Panel and finding Add / Remove programs (varies with OS XP, Vista, 7) once Add remove programs is up, scroll down the list and un-install anything with Python in the name even WxPython names).. then go through the WryPython03a installation (run it as admin - right click "Run as admin" if on vista or 7) - Click next/ok to everything.

Wrye Bash - No need to un-install whatever you have done up to this point, each step below will overwrite what you have done previously....

275 installer. Stable, and sets you up okay.

287 - The last good stable version but no installer, can now be used to overwrite 275 (just drop mopy and data folers into Oblivion folder and when asked overwrite all). This is also required if you want to venture further to 290.

288 and 289 - avoid, buggy.

290 (If you want to use this, if not, stay with 287 until 291 comes out) Can now be used to overwrite everything you have installed so far - BUT you may end up being one of the unlucky few who experience the re-curring pidfile.tmp file problem (its no big problem, while Wrye bash is not running, go into mopy and delete the file, problem solved)

291 Has Fixed the recent bunch of problems - But its not released yet.

Lastly, go to Oblivion Mopy and right click on the Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw Icon, and choose send to desktop.

It should run from this new desktop shortcut icon (if you had a previous one which may have the wrong path delete that old desktop shortcut first, before sending a new one to desktop). If not the only two problems left are... pidfile.tmp leftover in the mopy folder needs deleted... or for some reason the Icon now on your desktop has the wrong paths .. Right click the icon, choose properties, and check the following

Target field - Should be similar to the following (depending on your setup)
"D: \ Program Files \ Bethesda Softworks \ Oblivion \ Mopy \ Wrye Bash Launcher.pyw"

Start in field - Should be similar to the following (again depending on your setup)
"D: \ Program Files \ Bethesda Softworks \ Oblivion \ Mopy"

I think thats just about all recent installation problems covered.
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Sophie Louise Edge
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 9:28 am

So I install WryePython03, Ran the 275 self installer as an admin, tried to extract the version 287 update but winrar gave me this error thing, so I clicked and dragged and merged the folders, then did the same with the 290 update.

Then I went into the /Mopy folder and sent the Wrye Python Launcher to my desktop, clicked it and nothing happened....
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rebecca moody
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:08 am

try using 7zip instead, its a much better archive tool than winrar.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:54 pm

So I install WryePython03, Ran the 275 self installer as an admin, tried to extract the version 287 update but winrar gave me this error thing, so I clicked and dragged and merged the folders, then did the same with the 290 update.

Then I went into the /Mopy folder and sent the Wrye Python Launcher to my desktop, clicked it and nothing happened....

Have you got Wrye Python 03a, which is the current one? Also, did you run that as admin*, as suggested in the post just above yours?

* After uninstalling previous versions of all Python stuff, that is...
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:57 am

try using 7zip instead, its a much better archive tool than winrar.

No, it's not a better tool than, because you can't add a file to an existing 7z-archive in both and
The only thing that 7z is better of is only in lesser file size.
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Queen of Spades
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:37 am

So I install WryePython03, Ran the 275 self installer as an admin, tried to extract the version 287 update but winrar gave me this error thing, so I clicked and dragged and merged the folders, then did the same with the 290 update.

Then I went into the /Mopy folder and sent the Wrye Python Launcher to my desktop, clicked it and nothing happened....

So you are not using WryePython03a ?

Only other problem if you have followed the above carefully could be an admin rights issue, if you are using Vista or 7, and have installed the game to C:\program files\, windows UAC (user account control) will be stopping some things working.

Its generally accepted if you are going to mod oblivion to install it outside of UAC's control, say C:\Games\ (I used my second partition D:\ - as you install the game you change the destination for the installation.)

Others suggest turning off UAC to stop it interfering... bad idea. Its better to get the installation re-directed from the start.
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Nick Pryce
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:27 pm

Still not working.....I really don't get it. I can't identify the problem....I mean, it should just work. That simple.

Do I have to have Oblivion installed somewhere else than Program Files?
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Karl harris
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:07 am

Do I have to have Oblivion installed somewhere else than Program Files?

Some people apparenrly do fine with it there, but I would strongly recommend at least considering installing Oblivion somewhere else. That works great, for me. No "as admin" / UAC stuff necessary, whatsoever. C:\Games\Oblvion is where I put it. However, most other places would be OK instead. Just so long as it's not Program Files (or the x86 version of that), Windows, or any other important (to the OS) place.
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Heather beauchamp
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:21 am

Ok I'm considering starting from scratch. Does anyone know If I can completely get rid of Oblivion, then reinstall it without having to delete Nehrim? Nehrim took 2 hours to download :(
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Czar Kahchi
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:42 am

No, it's not a better tool than, because you can't add a file to an existing 7z-archive in both and
The only thing that 7z is better of is only in lesser file size.

really, didnt know winrar could do that. but ive had many issues with winrar where it wouldnt extract things from 7zip archives properly, never had that issue with 7zip (for all archive types it will open)
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Jarrett Willis
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:20 pm

Yeah sorry that was I typo, I meant WryePython03a, no just 03. And I ran as admin.
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Alex Vincent
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 5:52 pm

Still not working.....I really don't get it. I can't identify the problem....I mean, it should just work. That simple.

Do I have to have Oblivion installed somewhere else than Program Files?

Yes. You should avoid that folder at all cost and any related program files folder there is on Vista/Windows7 for any program installation.

I think you need to fix Windows registry before you reinstall Oblivion again, so try if you can uninstall it and reboot your PC.
Download and use it with the advanced option selected the first time and reboot.

Run it again before you install Oblivion and reboot after that you have finished the installation.
Now can you install the tools and reboot your PC when you're asked to do so.

I hope that will help you. :)
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