» Wed May 18, 2011 2:16 am
Check the Immersion, roleplay and "any mods?" lists.
(The any mods list has about 3-4 topics like this)
I wonder why no one has created a "sims" type realism mod. You know, stuff like:
*You haven't talked to any friendly people in over 2 days, you are very depressed*
*You have been wearing Daedric armor for 5 days and even slept in it several times. You are extremely uncomfortable*
*You pissed yourself in the middle of town. You are very dirty, and embarrassed.*
*You haven't done anything you consider fun in over 12 hours, you are soooooo bored!*
I mean, sure you could say that it takes away from roleplaying, because: "what if I'm a hermit, or a wild druid, why would I be getting lonely or depressed without people?!" but even that could be handled by having a customizable ini and maybe like a list of optional traits at the start of the game like:
"Druid: Social, and fun is increased by being around animals." (Maybe have some downsides to each like: "gets dirty quicker", or "no social/fun increases from activities involving people.")
Hermit: No social requirements. (downside maybe... "Sweats profusely around people", or some other downside related to people/society)
Warrior/archer/mage/thief/etc: These would effect what you character considers "fun"/// Mage=reading/training, Warrior= killing monsters. Archer = long distance shots? etc.
Personally, I don't use any "realism mods", but a system like I described I'd probably use, even if only for the novelty of it.