Hallo alle. Ich bin kein Deutscher, aber ich hab Pmerkerts Thread für den anderen Englischsprecher ein bi?chen übersetzt, und er hat mich gefragt, genau wie ich das getan habe (ob ich Deutsch in die Schule gelernt habe oder einfach Google Translate oder so etwas nutzte). Deutsch hab ich einpaar Jahre in die Highschool gelernt, doch leider bin ich nie in Deutschland gewesen. Würde gern danach irgendwann reisen. Ich wohne in der N?he von Chicago.
Oft, wenn es m?glich ist, spiele ich Computerspiele auf Deutsch, um einfach ein bi?chen zu üben (und eigentlich verwende ich auch Facebook auf Deutsch), aber wenn man in Brink die Sprache w?hlen kann, weiss ich nicht genau wie. Ich würde gern mit euch spielen, aber mein H?rverst?ndnis ist nicht gut, also das VoIP w?r ziemlich schwer. Muss vielleicht mehr deutsch Musik h?ren. (Vielleicht habt ihr Lieblingsmusiker, um zu empfehlen?)
Hey guys. I'm no German, but I provided a bit of translation of Pmerkert's thread for the other English speakers, and he asked me whether I'd studied German in school or simply used a translation tool. I did take German a few years in high school, but I've never been to Germany. I'd like to go someday. I'm from the Chicago area.
Often, where possible, I play video games with the user interface set to German, just to practice a bit (and, actually, I also use Facebook in German, come to think of it), but if you can do that in Brink, I'm not sure how. I'd enjoy playing with you guys, but my hearing comprehension isn't good, so it'd be pretty hard for me to communicate effectively on VoIP. Maybe I've got to listen to some more German music. (Maybe you have recommendations?)
Bin auch meistens Ingeneur; mein Lieblingsf?higkeit ist Kevlar. Es gibt immer genug andere Ingeneure, um alle Waffen zu buffen, finde ich.
You speak (or write) German way better than many Germans

. I feel with you when you say that it's hard to understand people on VoIP. I have the same problem (just vice versa...I am German and sometimes I talk to Americans). Some speak way too fast, others have an accent that drives you crazy and sometimes they just have a bad mic that gives you more noise than voice

. Listening to music is a good way to train your hearing comprehension. I also watch movies. First in my language then the English version. Games are great too. I used to play adventure games and they were all in English so I was forced to look all the words up just to be able to beat the game. Quiet more motivating than just learning vocabulary by heart

. If you have questions feel free to send me a message.
BTT: I'm a PC gamer and would like to bunch up with some elder German fellas. I'm 37 and rather play with people in my age. No offence to the young blood but in all these years of gaming I just claim that young people are mostly too hot tempered and put more value on competition than just enjoying the game and having fun. I'm already in a clan but I'm the only one who plays Brink. I'm not looking for a new clan. It just gonna get boring to play more bots than human players.