First of all, to be clear, no one here has offended me whatsoever. Also, no discussion here has offended me whatsoever. I simply find it silly that you are complaining about a mod when there is a plethora of options to fix your complaint. Also, I don't give a damn about ice cream, I was simply trying to find the most universal way of saying, you're being silly for the above reason. Being less than overjoyed at hearing constant whining complaints by someone willing to spend time complaining rather than fixing a trifle of an issue is not equal to being offended. Finally, by posting here, I was discussing. I don't see where that is confusing for you? If it had occurred to you that these options existed, then why are we here discussing this at all?
Also, I'm curious as to what tactics you've tried in these arena fights, as in damaging speed, buffing or debuffing health, etc. not already mentioned?
I replied to the OP, so its not me you ought to be giving advice to. However, it turns out that this is not even a problem of OOO in the first place - i have just tested what an earlier poster said and it turns out this is an issue of vanilla Arena in the first place. So frankly, whether or not OOO is being complained about, or whether it demonstrates the limitations of modding, as i said earlier, is all irrelevant because its not even causing the issue in the first place.
My apologies are extended to the OOO team, I did not realise it was not OOO that caused this behaviour - it turns out it doesnt, this is simply yet another horrible design choice in stock Oblivion.
In terms of tactics i use, they are fairly simple. Conjured scamp to distract opponents, whittling health down while blocking/dodging their swings with powerful enchanted weapons then finishing them off either with a flurry of hits or something like a 100 shock staff i have. Ive not had much trouble reaching Warrior rank by level 5.
A character with 5 Athletics and 30 Speed can run at 10.2 mph.
A character with 50 Athletics and 50 Speed can run at 12.6 mph.
The Yellow Team Champion with OOO has 149 Athletics and 169 Speed, and can run at 23.1 mph. Two times faster yes, three never.
I agree that something's slightly off, but not by as much as you think, and the game settings for movement are probably worth looking at first...
Well the equivalent values in reality would have been 15 mph for the 50 speed/50 athletics character and 24mph for the champion, peak speed. However, in an Arena fight such speeds could NOT be reached, with the maneouvering and side steps required. In fact, due to the higher inertia higher speeds produce, the champion and 50speed 50athletics contestant would move in a remarkably similar manner - the Champion could not use their higher speed without losing their ability to maneouvre. So the difference should not be this big in the first place.
However, it is interesting that its only 2 times. As you say, the problem is more the way characters run and the game settings for movement. However limiting those so that someone running at 24mph cannot turn easily is going to be extremely difficult, and the character animations also do not fit these high stat levels.
As such, these high values should NOT have been used, because the result they produce is both beyond what player characters can achieve, and results in strange movement. The boosts should have been maybe 20 to speed and athletics
It's worse in the example you give above because those three opponents are supposed to be slaves or prisoners or something being forced to fight in the arena. That's why it's three against one at that point.
Most of the silliness is vanilla, though. Very little of it is from OOO.
I noticed you mention that earlier so i tested it, and you are right. Its got nothing to do with OOO, its just yet another bad design choice in Oblivion.
My apologies again to the OOO team. Its not their design that was faulty