» Wed May 18, 2011 3:36 pm
No spellmaking.
More streamlining as in trying alter the game to get more people which I believe is a foolish philosophy, you make the game the way you want, not to get in as many people as possible, you don't turn a hardcoe FPS player into a person who plays and enjoys RPG's if they didnt already and don't, changing a game to suite them is folly.
More Action and less RPG
Too much influences from Conan and Lotr, ffs TES has a plethorum of unexplored Lore and aspects of the universe to make a game 5 times over but they need to look to Conan and lotr.
the DA2 press a button and something awesome happens mentality.
the Devs listening TOO hard to the players and pulling off what happened to Oblivion, over compensating and not to the degree the fans intended