Don't get me wrong, in my opinion, they dropped the ball on this game, and that has been well documented for the past week, with a metacritic score of 60 something. But beyond that, they spent probably close to 3 yrs making this game, it sure as hell looked cool/ had grea promos for it on the internet and what not. But I wonder, when they were playing this, they must have known that this game was going to sorta svck. Its not like SD is a [censored] indie funded studio looking to make a quick buck, you can tell they put alot of work into the game, but where did it all go.
Ive never seen a game get so much negative attention like this before, the only other game that comes ot mind would be Final Fantasy 13, APB, and Fallout Vegas.
Hopefully this studio doesnt close, mainly becaus ethere are more lost jobs again, with some people that are relatively talented, atleast the artists, I dont know so much about the engineers.