I'm not sure if iD did this on purpose to try and increase tension in dark areas but either way it ended up feeling weird and quite frustrating. So much so that it is a bit of a running joke now.
Now my concern for Skyrim is that when you are fighting with classic shield, sword scenario and the need arises to use a restoration spell, will you have to put your shield away and pull out your spell hand and then cast heal. I know this isn't a big deal but i have always hated that type of thing. In Oblivion you would be back pedaling your [censored] of casting restoration spells, now they have toned down back pedaling, i wonder what will happen. I kinda imagine it like putting your shield onto your back, soaking up a few blows and casting heal but then pulling the shield back out. Hmmm seems a bit clunky.
Personally i would prefer it if all/most "on-self" style spells didn't need a casting animation and just displayed an effect. Almost like the player just did it in their mind.
What do you guys think?