» Wed May 11, 2011 11:46 pm
Hmmm... I like the idea of having different 'materials' to make stuff out of - rusty iron, iron, tempered iron, add in some better stuff (but really, no 'gold' weapons, that'd just be weird...). Maybe add an ability to make alloys 'n such, temper materials (i.e. take iron, or steel, and make tempered iron, tempered steel, better quality, ect). I also like the idea of enchanted materials - but I'd like for them to be relatively common, not rare - just the really good ones would be rare. Also, there should be other materials required for the hilt and such - maybe being able to really go in depth with the customization? What kind of crossguard you want? Type of handle? Any material on it? Leather wrapping? a special shaped handle made out of metal? A gem (you'd get to choose it) put into the pommel (maybe with special effects? I mean, that would make a bit more sense - having magical gems or such that are added to a weapon to give it magical abilities. Obviously if this was used, weapons that are enchanted during their shaping and making would be better than ones you enchant afterwords.
For bows, same thing - different woods offer different stats and abilities - adding magical gems, ect, same for armor - Adding magical gems would increase it's protection, or add effects, ect. Also, let us customize our armor a bit more - symbols on it, gems, decals (I think decals were already confirmed, but still).
Also, not only should there be different materials, but also different techniques to make weapons and armor that you can learn (and I'd highly recommend it NOT be through skill use or just through skill use but would require you to be taught them by special people (similar to the 'training' in Oblivion, but much more in depth - you'd actually have to watch them and try to copy their style, maybe add a minigame where you'd have to try to match how they hit the metal, or carve the wood?). THAT would be extremely awesome and add in such an immersive feel.