» Thu May 12, 2011 7:53 am
As somebody said earlier, Divayth Fyr was 4000 years old in Morrowind, and one of the most powerful sorcerers in the world. It's believable, even likely, that he's still alive, though I doubt he'll make an appearance. It would be great if he did.
Yagrum Bagarn had Corprus, and was as old or older than VIvec, making him several thousand years old during Morrowind. If Divayth got his cure working, Yagrum would be immune to aging, anyway.
Others who are very likely alive: Mannimarco is a god. Vivec isn't divine anymore, but is probably just a half step down from that. The Nerevarine was immune to aging because of the Corprus cure.
Barenziah was 436 years old during Oblivion, so she's gone, along with everybody else on the list.
...except M'aiq. I don't know why people are so uptight about it, but M'aiq is clearly not a normal case, and doesn't have to follow the rules or lore, which is pretty flexible anyway as seen in the list above. Some people have explained M'aiq as being a daedra or similar entity. So he's the Daedric Prince of Easter Eggs....