What i hope will be avoided
1. Is the constant freezing up whenever i tried to run through any areas of Oblivion
2. Hundreds of NPCs & limited dialog
3. Nearly every location looking the same, I love trees but why do i have to go through an oblivion gate for a change in scenery
What i want from Skyrim
1. Weather effects rain, snow, blizzards, & weather effecting my character. shivering if their cool or clothing looking wet from rain or getting out of a lake
1: Again people mentioning oblivion in a bad way,yes,it wasn't perfect,but was still a damn good game. It's the best selling elder scrolls title so far. It would be nice if people also mentioned things they didn't like about daggerfall and morrowind too,instead of just oblivion....gets up my nose a little bit. I bet there is things from all the series that people would rather not have. There are alot of good things about oblivion too aswell,way too many to mention here. But two good things come mind though,sales and popularity,and even though i can't use them.."mods", some people have done great things with oblivion mods. Anyway ,you get my point.
2: There is many,many things i'd like to see from my personal view in skyrim,but i know all won't be added or may be done differently. Either way,i've liked everything about skyrim so far,to me, it looks amazing. And we have so much more to know yet.

I agree,i would like to see more about the weather,as for effecting my character...yes,that would be nice too,but aslong as it's not over the top. I want hand-to-hand to stay,i think it's a great combat style,just needs to be re-done,with more moves/animations,kicks,grabs etc. I would like to see a little more gore,location damage,head chopping etc...Though from what we've read so far,this may be the case anyway,well, more brutal is what i mean. I want to be able to kill birds and other flying creatures ,besides dragons. I want candles,lanterns and torches to create their own light source for my home etc ( like in morrowind ). There is many,many things i'd like,but if i don't get them....Boo Hoo,it's not gunna stop me buying skyrim,because it looks awesome regardless so far :thumbsup: