Have you ever come across an unusual building, item, or NPC in the world of Oblivion and wondered whether it was part of the original game or added by a mod, and if so, which one? Or wondered where that NPC got his cool armor that you've never seen before? If you play with a lot of mods, it's easy to lose track of all the content that each one adds to the game. Sometimes (hopefully not too often) you might even get a big yellow warning sign telling you that something's missing because one of those mods isn't properly installed, and you want to know which one it is so that you can fix it.
RefScope is a powerful tool that lets you explore the internals of objects in the game. Using RefScope, you can browse through all of the following:
All this information can be valuable in resolving conflicts, debugging mods, or just keeping track of where your game content is coming from.
RefScope is a powerful tool that lets you explore the internals of objects in the game. Using RefScope, you can browse through all of the following:
- RefID and FormID of any object you can see or select in the console, as well as map markers on the world map
(Also tells you the name of the .esp or .esm file which defined it) - FormID of items in inventory, container, barter, spell, and spell-purchase menus
(As above, also tells you the name of the .esp or .esm file which defined it) - Contents of containers
(Also tells you whether the container is safe for storage) - Paths of missing mesh and icon files
- NPC, creature, and player equipment
- NPC, creature, and player inventory (including non-playable items)
- NPC, creature, and player spell list
- NPC, creature, and player factions (including hidden ones)
- NPC and creature AI packages
- NPC and player race, class, hair, and eyes
- NPC merchant container, if applicable
- Active, current, and completed quests (including hidden ones)
- Active magic effects (such as spells and diseases) on an NPC or creature
- Parent/child relationships between references
- Which key is needed to unlock a locked container or door
All this information can be valuable in resolving conflicts, debugging mods, or just keeping track of where your game content is coming from.
Download RefScope 2.1 from http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=21862 or http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=OblivionMods.Detail&id=5204. You'll also need the http://obse.silverlock.org/, version 0019.
An actor's AI package listing now shows descriptive summary strings for the packages, such as "Ambush Martin in Great Chapel of Talos" or "Eat at The Feed Bag", instead of their hexadecimal FormIDs. These strings are generated algorithmically from the package's type, location, and target data, and may not always be as natural-sounding as a human might write them, but they should be readable enough for browsing and finding the package(s) whose details you want to see.
An AI package's details window displays its type, schedule data, and flags, as well as links to its location and/or target if applicable. Clicking the "AI Packages >" button for an NPC or creature provides summary information about the currently-active package, and lets you choose whether to jump directly to the details for the current package or browse the full list.
Activating RefScope while viewing the game's "Active Quest" screen will display information about your current active quest. Activating RefScope while viewing the game's "Current Quests" or "Completed Quests" screens will display lists of those, including hidden quests that the game normally doesn't show. (Unfortunately, RefScope can't tell which quest you're pointing your mouse at in the game's quest lists, so you can't scope specific quests directly; you have to choose the quest from RefScope's own quest-list menu. This may change in future releases if OBSE enhancements or plugins make it possible.)
This release includes a workaround for the problem that some people have reported with RefScope's token rings becoming equipped somehow: the tokens now check whether they're equipped, and unequip themselves if so. I still haven't been able to reproduce the problem so I can't actually test that this resolves it, but hopefully it will.
Full Change List
- Now requires OBSE v0019.
- New feature: Now displays type, schedule, location, and target data for AI packages.
- New feature: Now displays information about active, current, and completed quests.
- New feature: Info windows for cells and quests now display the editor ID.
- Bugfix: RefScope's token rings now automatically unequip themselves from the player if they become equipped. This shouldn't be possible since they're flagged non-playable, but a few people have reported it happening somehow. I haven't been able to reproduce the problem but I'm hoping this helps.
- Bugfix: Resolved the longstanding (but minor) problem that if one activates scope mode and then loads an old save from before RefScope was initialized, the iActivatePickLength game setting would remain at the large distance used in scope mode, allowing objects to be activated from half a mile away. I don't know if anyone ever actually encountered that, but it's nice to be able to finally remove it from the "Known Limitations" section of the documentation.
- Added "Name:" on the line that displays the name of a map marker, for consistency with the way names are displayed in other info windows.
- Moved the "Type:" line above the "Defined in" line in a spell's info window, because it looks better there.
- Made some internal design changes to take advantage of new OBSE features, allowing a few function scripts to be removed.
- Modified Reuse/Distribution section to clarify the rules for releasing modified versions.
- Reversed the order of entries in the changelog so that newer versions are at the top.
Suggestions for further improvements to RefScope are welcome.